

The list of important about viral marketing issues

About viral marketing written many and various. Emanuel Rosen, Vice President of marketing for Niles Software, the author of the bestseller “The Anatomy of Buzz”, even offered a list of answers to the issues you may face when promoting a product or service to market using viral marketing.

Image result for viral marketing

The list of issues that makes life easier for marketers, the following:

Do you have the right product?

I offer a quality product or service?

Facilitates product if my life those people who use them?

Is my product on the eyes and what more can I do?

I suggest something new?

If my item?

I honestly and directly?

I look at what is happening from the point of view of networking?

Do you listen to your customers?

That’s what customers say.

Use all possible ways to hear the rumors.

Keep track of what’s going on in your industry.

Sensitively respond to the reviews and the information.

Or have you considered all possible methods of creating the rumours?

Can you limit access to your product?

Can you use the previous show?

What can you do that will surprise people?

Can you show clients how your product is made, who makes it?

Do your story characters?

Can you organize a demonstration event?

Is your product the eyes?

Do your buyers with each other?

There’s something in your service that will increase its value if it will use a larger number of people?

Or you can present your item as a gift?

Are you ready to encourage those who give recommendations to your product?

Creates rumors your advertising?

Does advertising people to articulate the unique features of your products?

Leave your ad space for the birth of rumors?

Contribute to the spread of rumors, those who resell your products?

Have you identified the most promising from the point of view of rumors channels?

Have you established direct contacts with people who provide services to customers?

Can sellers to articulate what is special about your product?

Spreading rumors, those who sells your product?

How to maintain the viability of the rumors?

How actively are you looking for new buyers who are unfamiliar with your product?

You create a constant stream of news about which you could say the people?

Support the enthusiasm of buyers?