

How do you curve a surface in Maya?

How do you curve a surface in Maya?

  1. Select the surface on which you want to draw a curve-on-surface.
  2. In the Status Line, click the “Make the selected object live” icon.
  3. Choose Create > CV Curve Tool or Create > EP Curve Tool.
  4. Draw a curve on the live surface.
  5. When the curve is finished, click the “Make selected object live” icon again.

How do I convert a curve to a polygon in Maya?

Select Modify > Convert > NURBS to Polygons > to set the Polygon Edges to Curve Options. Converts the selected subdivision surface(s) to polygons. Select Modify > Convert > Subdiv to Polygons > to set the Subdiv to Polygons Options.

What are Nurbs curves?

NURBS, Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines, are mathematical representations of 3D geometry that can accurately describe any shape from a simple 2D line, circle, arc, or curve to the most complex 3D organic free-form surface or solid. NURBS have a precise and well-known definition.

How do you turn a mesh into a curve in Maya?

Create a mesh from a curve with Sweep Mesh

  1. Create a curve.
  2. With the curve selected, select Sweep Mesh from the Poly Modeling shelf or Create > Sweep Mesh.
  3. Choose a shape from the Sweep Profiles.
  4. Modify your curve mesh using the Sweep Mesh options in the Attribute Editor, under the sweepMeshCreator tab.

How do you convert Nurbs curves to polygons in Maya?

Select the NURBS surface and choose Modify > Convert > NURBS to Polygons. A polygonal representation of the surface is created at the same position as the NURBS surface.

How do I close a curve in Maya?

Open/Close a curve

  1. Shift + right-click the curve. A marking menu appears.
  2. Select Open/Close Curve. The start and end anchor are connected or disconnected depending on its current state.

How do you merge a curved Vertex in Maya?

try selecting the curve (not the components) and go to edit curves->open/close curves->option box. There you can play around with the parameters, like telling maya to preserve the overall shape as good as possible or blending between start and end points if there is a gap between them.

How do you close a curve in Maya?