

Does China import wine?

Does China import wine?

In 2020, China imported approximately 430 million liters of wine, down from around 610 million liters in the previous year. Meanwhile, the annual wine import value dropped by around 26.7 percent. China is the leading grape producer in the world and the second major country with the largest vineyard area after Spain.

Does China import alcohol?

Official data by CFNA shows that the volume of imported spirits increased significantly from January to May 2021, exceeding that of imported wine.

Does Australia buy wine from China?

Under zero tariff, Australia’s share of China’s total bottled wine imports increased from 28% in 2018 to 37% in 2019 in value terms.

Which country imports the most wine?

Searchable List of Wine Importing Countries in 2020

Rank Importer Wine Imports (US$)
1. United States $5,883,811,000
2. United Kingdom $4,396,922,000
3. Germany $2,949,214,000
4. Canada $1,974,379,000

Does China produce wine?

Wine has been produced in China since the Han dynasty (206 BC–220 AD). Thanks to its immense territory and favorable climates, China is the largest grape producer worldwide, contributing to nearly half of the world’s grape production. When it comes to viticulture, it also has the third-largest vineyard area worldwide.

What countries export wine to China?

Italy and Portugal are the other two European countries on the list of top wine exporters to China. Italy’s rank as number five remained unchanged since 2016. In 2017, China imported 29 million liters worth around US$139 million. Portugal’s export, meanwhile, increased by almost 17%, valued at US$22 million.

What alcohol does China import?

The imported spirits that are currently popular among Chinese consumers are: brandy, whiskey, liqueur, vodka, tequila, and rum. gin. The import volume of liqueurs increased the fastest.

Does China manufacture alcohol?

The Chinese Alcohol Production industry is over 5,000 years old. Industry revenue is expected to fall at an annualized 2.6% over the five years through 2021, to $105.8 billion.

Does China make wine?

How much wine do Australians export to China?

The value of Australia’s wine exports to mainland China – its biggest wine export market – from last July to June was A$606 million. Before bilateral tensions worsened between the two countries last year, Australia’s wine exports to China were valued at roughly A$1 billion [US$736 million] a year, on average.

Who are the leading importers of wine in China?

EEDC is Mainland China’s leading importer and distributor of quality wine and spirits. With a wealth of experience and knowledge in the lucrative

What’s the best way to sell wine in China?

Foreign companies have opened their eyes to China’s wine market, which has grown at an impressive rate in the past 5 years. The most popular option when selling wine in China is to first identify and establish partnerships with local wine importers and distributors.

How big is the wine market in China?

China’s wine market has exploded and sales volumes grew almost 100% from 2013 to 2017. However, even if the Chinese continue to develop a strong craving for foreign wines, the market has become more stagnant recently and the competition among foreign and local brands intensifies. In 2018, the demand for wine decreased by 9%.

Why is wine consumption so low in China?

China though the sixth biggest wine consumer in the world, suffered a 17.4% drop, consequentially dragging down global wine consumption last year by 3%, according to OIV. “The strict lockdown measures in the first quarter of the year certainly played a role.