

How do I merge a branch back to trunk in svn?

How do I merge a branch back to trunk in svn?

Merge a branch into the trunk

  1. Get a clean copy of the trunk.
  2. Check the svn log to find the revision where the branch was created.
  3. Merge the branches.
  4. Resolve any conflicts.
  5. Build and test your newly merged working copy.
  6. Check in your changes with a detailed note describing the merge.

What svn merge do?

And when you’re completely finished with your branch, your entire set of branch changes can be copied back into the trunk. In Subversion terminology, the general act of replicating changes from one branch to another is called merging, and it is performed using various invocations of the svn merge subcommand.

What is trunk in svn?

The trunk is the main line of development in a SVN repository. A branch is a side-line of development created to make larger, experimental or disrupting work without annoying users of the trunk version.

What is reintegrate merge in svn?

In the svn book it says merge ‘s –reintegrate is “to merge all of the source URL’s changes into the working copy”.

How do you merge a branch in SVN?

Here’s a basic step-by-step overview of SVN branching and merging. Create a branch using the svn copy command. Use svn checkout to check out a new working copy. Use a sync merge to keep your branch up-to-date as you work. Use svn merge to send your changes back to the trunk.

What’s the difference between merge and rebasing in SVN?

Updating your branch with the most recent version of trunk is called “merge” on SVN, while git calls this process rebasing. For newcomers this may cause confusion since “merge” is also what you do when you definitively integrate your branch into trunk.

What’s the difference between branch and trunk in SVN?

SVN’s “branch” directory runs parallel to the “trunk” directory. A SVN branch copies the trunk and allows you to make changes. When the new feature is stable, the branch is merged back. Here’s a basic step-by-step overview of SVN branching and merging.

What happens when you merge branches in TortoiseSVN?

TortoiseSVN will even suggest a commit message, a concatenation of messages from the commits that you just finished merging. The more often you merge with trunk, the less code you’ll have to merge each time, thus reducing the probability and complexity of conflicts.