

How do I play WAV files on Linux?

How do I play WAV files on Linux?

The most standard way to play a WAV file in Linux is using the aplay command, which is part of the ALSA system. This does not require any additional packages to your Linux installation like sox or mplayer or vlc, just the basic ALSA which is a part of any system nowadays.

How do I play a WAV file in Ubuntu?

You can also use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + O”. Search for the WAV music file you need to listen to. The music is there! Select the music and click the “Play” button.

How do I play audio files in Linux terminal?

How To Play Music From Command Line (Terminal)

  1. Launch the terminal (Ctrl + Alt +T) type the command below and strike enter: sudo apt-get install sox.
  2. Input your password and hit enter.
  3. Type “y” without quotes and hit enter.
  4. After installation has been completed, run the command below to make SoX play .

How do I run an mp3 file in Linux?

mpg123 has no frills. Just go to the folder containing the MP3 files that you want to play and type mpg123 *. mp3. You can also load a playlist file and use the *-z* option on the command line to shuffle the tracks you want to play.

How do I play mp3 on Ubuntu?

Click on Media from the top menu bar. Then from the drop-down list, select Open File. In the window that appears, choose the mp3 file that you want to play and click on Open. It will instantly play the mp3 file in VLC player.

How do I run an MP3 file in Linux?

How do I play music through terminal ubuntu?

First launch the moc player by running the “mocp” command in terminal. It will bring up a blue colored file browser. Browse to the directory that contains the music files and hit enter to play.

What kind of audio file can I play in Java?

Java inbuilt libraries support only AIFC, AIFF, AU, SND and WAVE formats. There are 2 different interfaces which can be used for this purpose Clip and SourceDataLine. In this article, we will discuss playing audio file using Clip only and see the various methods of clip.

Can a WAV file be played in a loop?

Because wav files are generally small so I have played mine in a loop. Always close your opened stream and resources before exiting the program. You have to stop the clip before playing it again. So keep proper checks. If AudioInputStream is to be used again, it has to be reset.

How to play a clip file in Java?

Jump to a specific position of playback. Clip is a java interface available in javax.sound.sampled package and introduced in Java7. Following steps are to be followed to play a clip object. Create an object of AudioInputStream by using AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream (File file). AudioInputStream converts an audio file into stream.

Is there a way to stop the playback of a WAV file?

To stop the playback, you must have to close the clip otherwise it will remain open. I have also used clip.loop (Clip.LOOP_CONTINOUSLY) for testing. Because wav files are generally small so I have played mine in a loop. Always close your opened stream and resources before exiting the program.