

How do you use Prezi on Android?

How do you use Prezi on Android?


  1. Access the Google Play Store from your Android device.
  2. Search for “Prezi Viewer” or tap here.
  3. Tap Install to download the app.
  4. Open the Prezi Viewer app and log in to your Prezi account with your email address, Google, or Facebook.
  5. After logging in, you will see your Prezi dashboard.

Is Prezi a free app?

Prezi Viewer for Android is a free app that lets you view, practice, and present on the go.

Is prezi compatible with iPad?

Prezi has a new iPhone app and has enhanced its iPad app for editing on the go. The iPad app has previously provided the capability to do minor updates. With the enhanced version, a user can create a new presentation, work offline and then update it.

Which is better Prezi or PowerPoint?

PowerPoint is better for some presentations and Prezi is better for others. Prezi excels at showing the context of your message. If properly constructed, it can make your content more memorable for future recall. When presenting out of sequence to adapt to your specific audience, Prezi is the best choice.

How do I create a presentation in Prezi?

Creating a New Presentation with a Template Go to the prezi page. Click the Create from template button in the upper left corner of the page. Select the template you want to use. Click Use this template. Edit your presentation. Enter a title and description for your new Prezi.

What is the cost of Prezi software?

Prezi Pricing. Prezi pricing has a free plan and three paid subscription plans: Standard ($5/month), Plus ($15/month), and Premium ($59/month). The main difference between the plans is access to advanced features such as smart branding, watermark-free canvass, offline access, presenter view, voice over, exporting presentations into PDF files,…

What is Prezi presentation?

A prezi is a presentation of text and visuals that you zoom in and out of. It is very similar to a power point, except you do not make slides. Instead, you make one big prezi and zoom in to different views.