

How to install the ejabberd installer on Linux?

How to install the ejabberd installer on Linux?

Install on Linux Go to ejabberd official download page on ProcessOne website. Download the “Linux x86 64-bits Intel Installer”. Right-click on the downloaded file and select “Properties”. Now you are able to double-click the file to execute it and start the installer.

How to install ejabberd as a rpm file?

Ejabberd is packaged as RPM file which can be easily downloaded and installed with rpm package manager. If you have an ardor of compiling from source, do it. As usual, you need to work on updated system: After the update, download the Ejabberd RPM package.

Is there a way to install ejabberd on Docker?

There’s also an ejabberd snap to install ejabberd on serveral operating systems using Snap package manager. If you already have Docker installed, the ejabberd/ecs Docker image allows to install ejabberd in one single command: If you use Microsoft Windows 7, 10, or similar operating systems, check those tutorials:

What kind of operating system does ejabberd run on?

Ejabberd is a free and open source XMPP server written in Erlang. Ejabberd has been designed for scalability and fault-tolerance. It has a small resource footprint and can run on any Unix like Operating system – Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, macOS, OpenBSD, and others.

Where do I enter my ejabberd username and password?

You can go to the web dashboard at http://localhost:5280/admin/ and fill the username field with the full account JID, for example admin@domain (or admin@localhost as above). Then fill the password field with that account’s password. The next step is to get to know how to configure ejabberd.

What kind of OS do I need to compile ejabberd?

To compile ejabberd on a ‘Unix-like’ operating system, you need: Erlang/OTP 19.3 or higher. We recommend using Erlang OTP 21.2.