

Is it taken care of or taken care off?

Is it taken care of or taken care off?

You want the second version. Care is a noun here, not a verb, so you would not inflect it for tense (cared is the past-tense form of the verb care).

How do we use taken care of?

Taken-care sentence example

  1. I’ll be over there in a few minutes so you can show me what needs to be taken care of while you’re gone.
  2. It’s taken care of.
  3. She’d taken care of him since she met him.
  4. Alex had taken care of it all this time.

Will be taken care meaning?

‘taking care of” means meeting someones needs. It may be a mother taking care of a child, a doctor taking care of a patient, a rich uncle leaving a nephew money in his will or many other things. “Being taken care of” is the passive form of this. “Being well taken care of” means it is being done well.

What is another way of saying taken care of?

What is another word for taken care of?

babysat watched
minded overseen
supervised childminded
guarded kept
mothered nursed

Has been taken care off meaning?

You can also say that something “has been taken care of”, which means that it’s already done by someone else and you don’t need to worry about it: My flight and hotel reservation have already been taken care of.

Will be taken care of in a sentence?

Everything will be taken care of. He added: “She will be taken care of. “It’s about whether their kids will be taken care of. The initial hospitality will be taken care of by the Community of Sant’Egidio”.

Will be taken care of by me meaning?

To look after, assume responsibility for, or care for someone or something.

Will be take or will be taken?

You can put in in the progressive form if you wish: The graduation ceremony will be taking place on Thursday afternoon. But the pseudo-passive construction “will be taken place” is completely impossible. A photo isn’t really an event, so it would sound very strange to say that a photo will take place.

What’s another word for taking care of business?

What is another word for taking care of business?

actioning enacting
carrying through carrying to completion
dealing with putting into effect
starting in on taking action on
taking care of bringing about

What is another word for not take care of?

What is another word for not cared for?

neglected overlooked
shrugged off took no notice of
taken no notice of thought little of
not cared passed up
paid little attention to slurred over

Has been taken care of in a sentence?

He has been taken care of by the franchise. The money part, he said, has been taken care of. This issue has been taken care of. For now that worry has been taken care of”.

Has been taken care of synonym?

“I have a whole slew of errands that I need to take care of today.”…What is another word for taken care of?

supported maintained
nourished preserved
conserved attended to
cared for looked after
provided for been responsible for