

Que cultivaban y cazaban los Chimu?

¿Que cultivaban y cazaban los Chimú?

Entre los cultivos más destacados se encuentra el algodón, la guanábana, la palta, el fríjol, el maíz, el zapallo, el lúcumo, el maní, el pacae y el ciruelo del fraile.

¿Quién gobernaba en la cultura Chimú?

El reino estuvo gobernado por el Cie-quich, también conocido – por los incas – como Chimor Kápaq,​ quien era tratado como divinidad, fue la máxima autoridad política, militar y religiosa, residía en Chan Chan rodeado de una numerosa corte y ostentoso palacio.

¿Cómo eran los chimus?

Los chimúes eran politeístas, adoraban a varios dioses y, además, a la luna, el sol y el mar. De todos modos, cada comunidad tenía sus propias divinidades locales y, por lo tanto, cada valle poseía sus propios templos.

¿Qué animales representan la cultura Chimu?

Las prendas eran de cuatro animales, el guanaco, la llama, la alpaca y la vicuña y de una planta de algodón nativa que crece de forma natural en siete colores diferentes. La vestimenta consistía en taparrabos, camisas sin mangas con o sin flecos, ponchos pequeños, túnicas, etc.

What did the Chimu eat?

The Chimú cultivated beans, sweet potatoes, papayas, and cotton with their reservoir and irrigation systems. This focus on large-scale irrigation persisted until the Late Intermediate period.

What language did the Chimu speak?

Mochica (also Yunga, Yunca, Chimú, Muchic, Mochika, Muchik, Chimu) is an extinct language formerly spoken along the northwest coast of Peru and in an inland village….Mochica language.

Native to Peru
Region Lambayeque
Extinct ca. 1920
Language family Chimuan? Mochica

Where did the Chimu live?

The Chimú resided on a strip of desert on the northern coast of Peru. The rivers in the region carved a series of fertile valley plains, which were very flat and well-suited to irrigation. Agriculture and fishing were both very important to the Chimú economy.

Did the Moche have a written language?

The Moche Civilization was based in modern Peru. Although they left no written language, their culture was preserved in their art. A polytheistic culture that practiced human sacrifice, the Moche valued the priests and the warriors above all other people.

What does Chimu mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1a : an extinct Yuncan people of the northwest coast of Peru. b : a member of such people. 2 : the language of the Chimu people — compare yunca.

When did the Chimu civilization began?

about 900 AD
Chimor (also Kingdom of Chimor or Chimú Empire) was the political grouping of the Chimú culture. The culture arose about 900 AD, succeeding the Moche culture, and was later conquered by the Inca emperor Topa Inca Yupanqui around 1470, fifty years before the arrival of the Spanish in the region.

What were the Moche known for?

The Moche are well known for their art, especially their naturalistic and articulate ceramics, particularly in the form of stirrup-spout vessels. The ceramics incorporate a wide-ranging subject matter, both in shape and painted decorations, including representations of people, animals, and ritual scenes.