

What city is 30 degrees north latitude 31 degrees east longitude?

What city is 30 degrees north latitude 31 degrees east longitude?

This location is Cairo city in Egypt. The ’rounded’ number coordinates of 30 degrees north and 31 degrees east do not relate to the exact centre of the city.

What city is 49 N and 123 W?

What city is located at 49n 123w?

Name : 49n 123w city
District : New York
Locality : New York
Sub-Locality : Manhattan
Closest Address : 123 Northwest 49th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33317, USA

What country is 60n 120w?

Where is 60n and 120w?

Name : 60n 120w
Type : District
Country : Canada
State : Alberta
District : Division No. 17

What country is 30 degrees north latitude 30 degrees east longitude?

Around the world

Co-ordinates Country, territory or sea Notes
30°0′N 0°0′E Algeria
30°0′N 9°28′E Libya
30°0′N 24°56′E Egypt Passing just south of Cairo
30°0′N 34°32′E Israel Passing just north of Kibbutz Lotan

What cities are at 30 degrees north latitude?

What cities are at 30 degrees north latitude?

  • Jackson Square. St Augustine, FL, USA — This quaint and adorable Spanish city claims to be the oldest city in the USA.
  • Castillo de San Marcos.
  • Potala Palace.
  • Pudong Skyline.

Where is 38n and 77W?

Pass out individual world maps to partners. Ask students to find the location of the city located at the coordinates of 38 N and 77W. (Washington DC). Check for understanding.

What location is 60 degrees north and 100 degrees east?

Which city is located at 30 degrees north and 120 degrees east? Where is 60 and Latitude 140 longitude?…Where is 60 and Latitude 140 longitude?

Latitude/longitude Country % Correct
60 N, 140 W United States 55.3%
60 N, 120 W Canada 54.7%
60 N, 100 W Canada 54.4%
60 N, 80 E Russia 49.8%

What country sits 30 degrees north and 120 degrees east?

Around the world

Co-ordinates Country, territory or sea
30°0′N 82°30′E People’s Republic of China
30°0′N 121°38′E East China Sea
30°0′N 121°50′E People’s Republic of China
30°0′N 122°24′E East China Sea

What continent is at 0 60w?

The meridian 60° west of Greenwich is a line of longitude that extends from the North Pole across the Arctic Ocean, Greenland, North America, the Atlantic Ocean, South America, the Southern Ocean, and Antarctica to the South Pole.

What are the degrees of longitude and latitude?

The degree of the angle is between -90° and 90°. longitude and latitude coordinates are usually expressed in degrees and minutes. Every location consists of a latitude and longitude which is like an unique address for each point. By giving the latitude and longitude, we can track down exactly where someone is located.

Where is the 123rd meridian in the world?

(Redirected from Longitude 123 degrees E) Jump to navigation Jump to search. 123°. 123rd meridian east. The meridian 123° east of Greenwich is a line of longitude that extends from the North Pole across the Arctic Ocean, Asia, the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, Australia, the Southern Ocean, and Antarctica to the South Pole.

How to get Google map by latitude and longitude?

Enter the desired longitude and latititude in in the box below, and then click on “Google Map” (separate degrees, minutes, and seconds by spaces) Latitude Longitude Satellite Picture

Where can I find coordinates for my address?

GPS coordinates Finder The coordinates finder or coordinate locator will search for longitude and latitude on map. It will also lookup any address by clicking on the map. The result will show on both the map coordinates and on the corresponding fields.