

What country ZIP Code is 10000?

What country ZIP Code is 10000?

The basic zip code for New York is considered zip code 10001. This is curious, but the code 10000 belongs to neither New York nor the United States of America since postal code 10000 belongs to the Czech Republic, the 10th district of Prague.

Is 99999 a valid ZIP Code?

There is no ZIP Code 99999 in the United States. As for what the 99999 code can be used for, the most frequent use is as a dummy code is fiction and in movies, when the author or playwright wants to use a number that cannot be confused with an authentic code.

What is the smallest ZIP Code in the US?

The lowest ZIP Code is 00501, a unique ZIP Code for the Internal Revenue Service in Holtsville, NY. The highest ZIP Code is 99950 in Ketchikan, AK.

What is Africa’s zip code?

AFRICA does not have a zip code, each COUNTRY on the CONTINENT of AFRICA uses its own zip codes. And in SOUTH AFRICA, which is a COUNTRY on the CONTINENT OF AFRICA, we use postal codes, not zip codes.

What is South Africa zip code?


Code Range Area
0001–0299 Gauteng—Pretoria/Tshwane
0300–0499 North West—northern part
0500–0698 Limpopo—south and west
0699–0999 Limpopo—north and east

What is the smallest zip code by area?

The Tiniest: 11109 (map) A two-block area across the East River from Manhattan, this ZIP code in Long Island City is among the smallest in the country — at a tenth of one square mile. It boasts 1,400 people in that area, though, pushing its residents-per-square mile rate to the top of the list, according to Esri.

Which state has the lowest zip code?

The current postal code (postal codes) range of the United States (US) is: 00001 – 99950. The lowest postal code area is 00001. This is the N Dillingham area in Alaska. The highest postal code area is 99950, which is also in Alaska.

How do you locate ZIP codes?

To find a zip code with, you need to fill in the fields with your USA street address, city, and state. Then click Find and you’ll get your postal code. There is also a tab to get zip code for a company.

Where do you find your zip code?

The simplest way to locate a ZIP code is by using the United States Postal Service website. The USPS has a simple online ZIP code locator tool. Enter the city and state and you’ll get a list of possible ZIP codes. If you have an actual street address, enter that and you’ll be given the exact ZIP code.

What is the largest ZIP code in the US?

There are roughly 33,000 zip codes in the United State of America occupying a land area of 2,808,990 square miles. The smallest zip code is 00906which is only 0.0032 sq. miles. In contrast, the largest zip code is 99557with a huge area of 13,431 sq. miles.

How do you find the extended ZIP code?

Visit the USPS website and click on the link titled “Look Up a ZIP Code.”. Enter the mailing address in the appropriate boxes and click “Find.”. For example, enter 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC if you are looking up the ZIP Code+4 Extension for the White House.