

What do you mean by driving point impedance?

What do you mean by driving point impedance?

[′drīv·iŋ ‚pȯint im′pēd·əns] (electronics) The complex ratio of applied alternating voltage to the resulting alternating current in an electron tube, network, or other transducer.

What is the point impedance?

Driving point impedance is defined as the ratio of an applied alternating voltage to the resulting alternating current in a network.

How do you calculate driving impedance?

Transform impedance: It is written as Z(s) = V(s) /I(s) is defined as the ratio of the voltage transform and the current transform at the same port. They are also called as driving point impedance.

What are driving point functions?

[′drīv·iŋ ‚pȯint‚ fəŋk·shən] (control systems) A special type of transfer function in which the input and output variables are voltages or currents measured between the same pair of terminals in an electrical network.

What is driving point impedance in two port?

For the Transfer Function of Two Port Network without internal sources, the driving point impedance function at port 1-1′ is the ratio of the transform voltage at port 1-1′ to the transform current at the same port. The four other network functions are called transfer functions.

What is driving point Immittance function?

The immitance function must be positive real function so that its synthesis can be done to obtain an electrical network, using passive elements. Let us study now how to synthesize the given Driving Point Immittance Function (impedance or admittance) which is positive real. …

What is driving point in transfer function?

If it is a ratio of source voltage to source current, it is called driving point impedance function denoted as Z(s) while if it is a ratio of source current to source voltage, it is called driving point admittance function denoted as Y(s). …

What is driving point in network analysis?

The driving point impedance is a mathematical representation of the input impedance of a filter in the frequency domain using one of a number of notations such as Laplace transform (s-domain) or Fourier transform (jω-domain). The ubiquitous ladder topology of filter design is named after Cauer.

What is positive real function in network synthesis?

Positive-real functions, often abbreviated to PR function or PRF, are a kind of mathematical function that first arose in electrical network synthesis. They are complex functions, Z(s), of a complex variable, s.

What is cauer form?

[′kau̇·ər ‚fȯrm] (electricity) A continued fraction expansion of the impedance used in the network synthesis for a driving point function resulting in a ladder network.

driving-point impedance. The complex ratio of applied alternating voltage to the resulting alternating current in an electron tube, network, or other transducer.

Which is the transfer function for impedance and admittance?

Apart from the transfer functions for currents and voltages, we can define transfer function for impedance and admittance. As defined by equation (3.4), the ratio of transformed load voltage to the transformed source current is the transfer impedance.

How is the impedance of a transmission line measured?

In the terminology of circuit theory, you just measured the driving-point impedance of the circuit to the left of the cut. The circuit to the right is the circuit load. In this example, assume R S +R 0 equals the characteristic impedance, Z 0 , of the perfect, lossless transmission line.

What is the characteristic impedance of the circuit to the right?

The circuit to the right is the circuit load. In this example, assume R S +R 0 equals the characteristic impedance, Z 0 , of the perfect, lossless transmission line. That arrangement forms a perfect termination at the driver location.