

What does NI Sunde Imasu mean?

What does NI Sunde Imasu mean?

That’s mean : i live in Japan.

What is Sunde Imasu in English?

住んでいます – I live.

What is the meaning of NI in Japanese?

に (ni) indicates a place toward where someone or something moves. It is preceded by the name of the place and followed by a verb which indicates a moving action such as iku (行く) “to go.” It is also used with giving/receiving verbs and can then mean “from”.

What does Imasu mean in Japanese?

To Be
Imasu means “To Be” or “Exist” and is used to refer to people and animals, which are obviously alive. The use of Arimasu is used to refer to things that are not alive such as books, rocks or dolls. by Melissa.

What is Sunde?

forgiveness (oder | or od remission) of sins, pardon for one’s sins. Vergebung der Sünden. in Sünde leben. to live in sin.

What is Imasu?

Imasu means “To Be” or “Exist” and is used to refer to people and animals, which are obviously alive. The use of Arimasu is used to refer to things that are not alive such as books, rocks or dolls. by Melissa.

What is ni in hiragana?

に, in hiragana, or ニ in katakana, is one of the Japanese kana, which each represent one mora. The hiragana is written in three strokes, while the katakana in two. Both represent /ni/ although for phonological reasons, the actual pronunciation is [nʲi].