

What happens at the end of TKAM Chapter 21?

What happens at the end of TKAM Chapter 21?

Judge Taylor reads the verdicts: they’re all guilty. Atticus packs his things, whispers something to Tom, and then leaves. Reverend Sykes calls Scout to attention and makes her stand for Atticus’s departure with the other black people.

What is the main idea of Chapter 22?

One of the most important themes of chapter 22 is the loss of innocence. The trial of Tom Robinson has finally concluded. The verdict, as expected, was guilty, despite overwhelming evidence of Tom’s innocence.

What is the main idea of chapter 21 of TKAM?

In Chapter 21, the theme of the mockingbird comes to fulfillment. Atticus has told the children that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird because a mockingbird never causes harm to anyone else. In Chapter 21, Tom Robinson is convicted of rape despite Atticus’s efforts to save him.

What happens as Atticus exits the courtroom CH 21?

When Atticus leaves the courtroom after the trial, the balcony (which was seating for the “colored” people – although Jem, Scout, and Dill are also up there) stands as a sign of respect and appreciation towards Atticus. The whole balcony stands as a sign of respect to Atticus.

Does Atticus win the trial?

In To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus Finch does not win the court case. Tom Robinson, an African-American man, is found guilty of raping a white woman,…

What happens to Atticus at the end of Chapter 22?

What happens to Atticus at the end of chapter 22? Mr. Ewell saw Atticus by the post office, spat in his face, and told him that, “he’d get him if it took the rest of his life.” Atticus calmly wipes his face and leaves.

What is symbolic about the food in Chapter 22?

In Chapter 22 as Atticus enters the kitchen, he sees the table “loaded with enough food to bury the family.” The food has been brought to the Finch’s in a gesture of gratitude for Atticus’s actions. Atticus Finch has defended a black man, an act of good conscience, not without risks.

What are the main points in Atticus closing argument?

Atticus gives his closing statement to the jury. He lists several reasons why the jury should put race aside and find Tom Robinson not guilty, such as the lack of evidence, the irrationality of racism, and appealing to the jurors’ desire to be viewed as moral.

What happened in chapter 23 of To Kill a Mockingbird?

Summary: Chapter 23 Atticus tells Jem and Scout that because he made Ewell look like a fool, Ewell needed to get revenge. Now that Ewell has gotten that vengefulness out of his system, Atticus expects no more trouble. Jem and Atticus discuss the justice of executing men for rape.

What happens as Atticus exits the courtroom?

Your father’s passin’.” When Atticus leaves the courtroom after the trial, the balcony (which was seating for the “colored” people – although Jem, Scout, and Dill are also up there) stands as a sign of respect and appreciation towards Atticus. The whole balcony stands as a sign of respect to Atticus.

What chapter is the trial in to kill a Mockingbird?

With the trial of Tom Robinson underway in chapter 17 of To Kill a Mockingbird, two key witnesses are called to the stand, Sheriff Tate and Bob Ewell.

How many chapters are in to kill a Mockingbird?

To Kill a Mockingbird is comprised of two sections and 31 chapters. Part one begins by foreshadowing the end of the story.

Why does Calpurnia come to the courthouse?

Calpurnia only goes to the courthouse because of the children. She goes to bring Atticus a note advising him that Jem and Scout are missing.