

What is a SOC (Security Operation Center)?

What is a SOC (Security Operation Center)?

Find out how SOCs work and why many organizations trust them to detect security incidents.

SOC definition

A SOC is an installation housing a security unit responsible for continuously monitoring and analyzing a company’s security system. The objective of SOC is to detect, investigate, and respond to incidents related to cybersecurity. To do this, it uses a combination of technological devices and a set of efficient processes.

SOCs are controlled by technology experts and developers, as well as by operations supervising managers. The staff works closely with rapid response teams in the event of an incident. Security issues are quickly resolved as soon as they are discovered.

SOCs track and evaluate behaviors for suspicious behavior on networks, computers, terminals, directories, apps, websites, and other devices that may signify an accident or security-related danger. He is responsible for ensuring the proper identification, analysis, investigation, and reporting of potential security incidents.

How does SOC work?

The SOC team is responsible for the operational and permanent aspect of company information security, rather than focusing on developing a prevention strategy, designing a security architecture, or implementing protective measures.

SOC personnel comprises mainly researchers working together to track, evaluate, respond, monitor, and deter cybersecurity incidents. Some SOCs offer additional capabilities for analysis of events, such as advanced forensic analysis, cryptanalysis, and malware reverse engineering.

When setting up a SOC within a structure, the first step consists in clearly defining a strategy which takes into account the objectives of the various departments of the company as well as the observations of the managers. Once the procedure has been developed, it will have to implement the infrastructure required to support it.

Technology will need to be prepared to collect data via data streams, telemetry, packet capture, Syslog, and other methods so that SOC staff can correlate and analyze their activity.

SOC is now tracking flaws in the network and termination to secure confidential data and conform with business or policy regulations.

What are the advantages of using a SOC?

The most significant benefit of providing a SOC is enhancing the identification of security issues through constant tracking and computer operation review. The SOC team guarantees rapid identification and response in the case of a security breach by monitoring a company’s networks, monitors, computers, and repositories 24 hours a day.

The permanent surveillance provided by a SOC gives companies the advantage of being able to defend themselves against incidents and intrusions, whatever their source, time of day, or type of attack.

How to manage a SOC optimally?

Many security officials focus more on the human factor than on the technological factor to “assess and mitigate threats directly rather than relying on a scenario.” SOC operators manage known and existing threats on an ongoing basis while aiming to identify emerging risks. They always address client and consumer expectations and function beyond their degree of risk exposure.

SOC collects and correlates data within the organization with information from a variety of external sources, providing insight into threats and vulnerabilities. This foreign security intelligence provides news streams, signature notifications, details of accidents, threat notices, and vulnerability warnings that help SOC track cyber threats evolve.

Successful SOCs use safety automation to make themselves efficient and effective. By combining it with highly skilled safety analysts, businesses are increasing their analytical power. They improve security measures and better defend themselves against violations of security and cyber attacks.

Our last words,

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