

What is Basaloid hyperplasia?

What is Basaloid hyperplasia?

Background: Basaloid hyperplasia has been described overlying dermatofibromas as well as in the epidermis overlying nevus sebaceus. Although the morphology of these areas may resemble that of basal cell carcinoma (BCC), in the majority of cases aggressive behavior of the proliferation is not seen.

Is basal cell hyperplasia cancer?

Basal cell hyperplasia, as a mimicker of cancer, is an uncommon entity encountered on prostatic needle biopsies. Helpful features for its diagnosis include solid nests, pseudocribriform glands, multilayering of cells, calcifications, and cellular stroma.

What is moderate epithelial dysplasia?

Moderate dysplasia (grade II) demonstrates a proliferation of atypical cells extending into the middle one-third of the epithelium (Fig. 2). The cytological changes are more severe than in mild dysplasia and changes such as hyperchromatism, and prominent cell and nuclear pleomorphism may be seen.

What cells are involved in basal cell carcinoma?

One type of skin cancer called basal cell carcinoma begins in the basal cells, which make skin cells that continuously push older cells toward the surface. As new cells move upward, they become flattened squamous cells, where a skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma can occur.

Is squamous metaplasia a cancer?

Squamous metaplasia is a benign non-cancerous change (metaplasia) of surfacing lining cells (epithelium) to a squamous morphology.

What is mild to moderate dysplasia?

There are different types of dysplasia. Mild dysplasia, called low-grade intraepithelial lesion (LSIL) is one type. Moderate or severe dysplasia, called high-grade intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) is another type of dysplasia. LSIL and HSIL may or may not become cancer.

What layers of the skin are affected by basal cell carcinoma?

Basal cell carcinoma These cancers start in the basal cell layer, which is the lower part of the epidermis. These cancers usually develop on sun-exposed areas, especially the face, head, and neck.

What is the medical term for basal cell hyperplasia?

Basal cell hyperplasia (BCH) is a benign histologic finding characterized by the proliferation of the basal cells within the prostatic acini (Urology 2019;129:160) Benign mimicker of adenocarcinoma and basal cell carcinoma of the prostate gland

How does basal cell hyperplasia look at low magnification?

At low magnification, basal cell hyperplasia has a basophilic appearance of nodular proliferation and back to back uniform glands with stratified crowded nuclei Piling up of the nuclei within the lumen, ranging from a double cell layer in a few glands to 3 – 4 cells thick in the other glands

Are there any other basaloid skin tumours?

Other basaloid infiltrative and sclerosing sweat gland tumours, including eccrine epithelioma and eccrine ductal carcinoma, will be discussed briefly.

Can a prostate biopsy show basal cell hyperplasia?

Fetalization or embryonal hyperplasia of the prostate gland as the foci of basal cell hyperplasia has its resemblance with fetal prostatic acini More common in transurethral resection (TURP) specimens (due to sampling from the transition zone); can also be seen in needle biopsies and radical prostatectomies