

What is difference between BTEQ and FastLoad?

What is difference between BTEQ and FastLoad?

(b) FastLoad Vs BTEQ Import: Same as above. BTEQ Import process 1 row at a time, meaning it import 1 row from the source file to the table. FastLoad uses the buffer’s size (63 or 64 KB as indicated by the Buffer Size). This sequence number is used to avoid loading the same row twice when restart happens.

Does FastLoad allow duplicates?

The Reason behind Fastload not allowing Duplicate rows is the Restart Logic. So when its restarted simply doesn’t know, if a row was duplicate within the data or was sent twice because of a restarted FastLoad (in Application Phase).

What is the difference between FastLoad and MultiLoad?

FastLoad can sort the incoming rows directly into the target table, whereas MultiLoad first sorts the incoming rows into a worktable and then applies the worktable to the target table. MultiLoad fully supports mulltiset tables with duplicate rows.

What is Teradata BTEQ?

Teradata BTEQ stands for Basic Teradata Query. It is a command-driven utility that enables users to interact with one or more Teradata Database Systems. BTEQ can be used to import data into Teradata tables from a flat file, and it can also be used to extract data from tables into files or reports.

Why FastLoad is faster than MultiLoad?

FastLoad is generally faster when loading an empty table because FastLoad was designed specifically for that purpose. FastLoad can sort the incoming rows directly into the target table, whereas MultiLoad first sorts the incoming rows into a worktable and then applies the worktable to the target table.

How do I run a FastLoad script in Teradata?

fl, you can run the FastLoad script using the following command in UNIX and Windows. FastLoad < EmployeeLoad. fl; Once the above command is executed, the FastLoad script will run and produce the log.

What is Teradata MultiLoad?

Teradata MultiLoad or MLoad is a command-driven load utility for fast, high volume data maintenance on multiple tables or views in Teradata large databases. Each MultiLoad import task can do multiple data insert, update, and delete functions on up to five different tables or views.

Can a Teradata FastLoad load more than one table?

Although Fastload uses multiple sessions to load the data, only one target table can be processed at a time Teradata Fastload does not support join indexes, foreign key references in target tables and tables with secondary index defined. It is necessary to drop any of the constraints listed before loading and recreate them afterwards.

What’s the difference between Multiload and fast load?

Multiload can also load data into populated tables but support only NUSIs on the table. Multiload loads the data into work tables. Prepares the data block wise and apply whole block changes. These days Fastload with NOPI and merge is comparable fast but will have less limitations on indices and can also has more benefits.

Can a target table be loaded with a Multiload?

Triggers are also not allowed (but this will be rather rare in a data warehouse). Nevertheless, NUSI is allowed. A difference that has to be considered when using a MultiLoad instead of a FastLoad: the target tables must have a primary index; NOPI tables are not allowed. Column partitioned tables can not be loaded with the MultiLoad.

What’s the difference between fastexport and Multiload in bteq?

Secondly, FastExport and MultiLoad have full restart capability. This feature means that if a FastExport or MultiLoad job should be interrupted for some reason, it can be restarted again from the last checkpoint, without having to start the job from the beginning. BTEQ does not support such features.