

What is the definition of homogenate?

What is the definition of homogenate?

noun, plural: homogenates. Material that has been homogenized or obtained through homogenization. Supplement. For example, a liver homogenate is a liver tissue in which its cells have been mechanically disrupted, releasing the organelles and cytoplasm.

What do you mean by homogenization?

homogenization, process of reducing a substance, such as the fat globules in milk, to extremely small particles and distributing it uniformly throughout a fluid, such as milk. When milk is properly homogenized, the cream will not rise to the top.

What is a tissue homogenate?

Homogenization: the process of breaking down tissue structure to form a suspension or emulsion of tissue solids, proteins and fluid. Homogenization techniques: mechanical, sonicated, bead-beating and enzymatic.

What is the purpose of homogenization?

The purpose of homogenization is to create a stable emulsion where the fat globules don’t rise to form a cream layer. When homogenizing milk, you feed high quantities of the product through a really small gap between two pieces of steel (called a homogenizing device) at high velocity.

What is supernatant in biology?

supernatant. (Science: chemistry) The soluble liquid fraction of a sample after centrifugation or precipitation of insoluble solids.

What is homogenization in globalization?

Cultural homogenization is an aspect of cultural globalization, listed as one of its main characteristics, and refers to the reduction in cultural diversity through the popularization and diffusion of a wide array of cultural symbols—not only physical objects but customs, ideas and values.

What does homogenization mean social studies?

Homogenization. Definition. The erasing of differences. When this term is applied to people, it often refers to the erasing of cultural differences so that peoples become more and more similar.

How does a tissue homogenizer work?

Tissue homogenization is performed regularly in labs across the world for cell and tissue preparation. This process involves lysing the cells to release intracellular contents of interest, such as proteins and nuclear components.

What does homogenization of cells mean?

Cell homogenization, also known as cell micronization or cell fractionation, is the action of reducing the particle size of molecules to facilitate even distribution and emulsification of liquids, creams, or other mediums. All of the methods involve encouraging the cells to lyse, or break apart.

Why do we homogenise the tissue?

Biological tissue is routinely homogenized in order to extract various analytes (proteins, DNA, RNA, small molecules, etc.). There are a number of considerations which should be taken into account when homogenizing tissue.

What is supernatant short answer?

Supernatant means the clear fluid above a sediment or precipitate. The precipitate-free liquid remaining above the solid is called the ‘supernate’ or ‘supernatant’. Powders derived from precipitation have also historically been known as ‘flowers’.

Which is the correct definition of the word homogenate?

homogenate ( plural homogenates ) Any material obtained by homogenization. ( biology) The slurry of tissues and cells which results when cell structure has been mechanically disrupted.

What does it mean to homogenize a sample?

Homogenization, in cell biology or molecular biology research, is a process whereby a biological sample is brought to a state such that all fractions of the sample are equal in composition. A homogenized sample is equal in composition throughout, so that removing a fraction does not alter the overall molecular make-up…

Which is an example of homogenization in histopathology?

In histopathology, pathologic homogenization is seen as a loss of variations, such as of collagen in lichen sclerosus (pictured). Homogenization, in cell biology or molecular biology, is a process whereby different fractions of a biological sample become equal in composition.

What is the process of induced homogenization in biology?

Induced homogenization in biology is often followed by molecular extraction and various analytical techniques, including ELISA and western blot. Homogenization of tissue in solution is often performed simultaneously with cell lysis.