

What is the meaning of being abrasive?

What is the meaning of being abrasive?

adjective. tending to abrade; causing abrasion; abrading. tending to annoy or cause ill will; overly aggressive: an abrasive personality.

What is an example of an abrasive?

Abrasives are compounds used in the smoothening of other weaker components by thorough grinding, molding or finishing by machining. They scrape the material surface to extract the required ruggedness or substances. Pumice, sandpaper, emery, and sand are common examples.

Does abrasive mean rude?

Someone who has an abrasive manner is unkind and rude.

How do you use the word abrasive?

Abrasive in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Because of Kurt’s abrasive personality, most people try to avoid him at work.
  2. The clerk was so abrasive to me I walked out the store without making a purchase.
  3. After speaking with the abrasive doctor, I decided to look for a friendlier physician.

What is abrasive used for?

Abrasives are used in the form of grinding wheels, sandpapers, honing stones, polishes, cutoff wheels, tumbling and vibratory mass-finishing media, sandblasting, pulpstones, ball mills, and still other tools and products.

What are two synonyms for abrasive?

synonyms for abrasive

  • annoying.
  • biting.
  • caustic.
  • nasty.
  • cutting.
  • rough.
  • sharp.
  • galling.

Can you give more examples of abrasive?

Abrasives are materials that wear off dirt by rubbing. Rottenstone, whiting, pumice, volcanic ash, quartz, marble, feldspar, and silica are prime examples of an abrasive. Sandpaper, plastic and nylon meshes, and steel wool are also abrasives. In general, the larger the abrasive particles, the harsher the cleaner.

What is the synonym of abrasive?

caustic, cutting, grating, biting, acerbic, vitriolic. rough, harsh, hard, tough, sharp, curt, brusque, stern, severe. wounding, nasty, cruel, callous, insensitive, unfeeling, unsympathetic, inconsiderate.

Do I have an abrasive personality?

The best way to know if someone is an abrasive personality is to carefully watch the reactions of others in their presence. “If others look uncomfortable, uneasy or end the communication quickly, there’s your sign,” Lewis says. Conversations with abrasive personalities can feel very one-sided.

What are the two types of abrasives?

The material and needed finish will guide your choice of abrasive, but there are two basic types of abrasives used in grinding wheels: bonded and coated. Coated and bonded abrasives differ in the way they are attached to a product.

Is it common for people to be abrasive?

For instance, in some places abrasiveness may be considered common. “Even if the intention was not to be rude or hurtful, some people just have very direct and honest ways of communicating,” she says.

Which is the best definition of the word abrasive?

Definition of abrasive (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : causing damage, wear, or removal of surface material by grinding or rubbing : tending to abrade abrasive compounds for whitening teeth an abrasive surface 2 : causing irritation abrasive manners an abrasive personality

Are there any health risks to using abrasive blasting?

Where abrasive blasting is used to remove lead-based paint on the steel infrastructure of bridges, it can generate particles of lead that pose a risk to the nervous system. In addition to potential health hazards, abrasive blasting can pose safety risks as well.

What are the signs of an abrasive personality?

One aspect of the abrasive personality is that they always think they are right. Of course, we all like to think that, but these abrasive people push it to the next level. They utilise black and white thinking when making decisions. In their mind, something is either right or wrong.