

What is your course content?

What is your course content?

Your instructors can add different types of content to your courses, such as files, text, assignments, images, multimedia, and links. They can organize content in folders, learning modules, and lesson plans. You access course content from links on the course menu. Links that hold content are called content areas.

What is a course code?

A course code is a combination of letters and numbers that you enter to enroll in your instructor’s class. Each instructor has his or her own course code (or codes, if he or she teaches multiple classes). Then, enter the course code in the field next to your book.

Can I do 3 A levels in one year?

TL,DR; DO NOT take 3 level subjects in just one year unless you are prepared to face lower grades AND enormous amounts of stress.

What is a pass at a level 2020?

Every A-level student will have set grades they need to attain for a place in university or other post-college avenues. Most will look to get results in the A to C range, which is what most higher education institutions require. But people who get grades below this threshold won’t fail, as an E is technically a pass.