

When can I thin out my irises?

When can I thin out my irises?

A. Iris beds need “thinning” periodically (every two or three years). September is the ideal time to plant or to divide and replant iris – the common man’s orchid.

Do irises need to be thinned?

Iris need to be thinned or divided before they become overcrowded, generally every 3-4 years. If Iris are allowed to become too crowded the bloom will suffer, some varieties may crowd others out and disease problems may be aggravated. August or September is the time to divide and transplant Bearded Iris.

How do you thin and replant irises?


  1. Dig up the Clump. Using a garden shovel, dig up the entire clump of iris.
  2. Divide the Clump Into Sections. Shake off loose dirt, and divide the large clump into sections by tugging it apart with your hands.
  3. Trim the Leaves.
  4. Inspect the Rhizome Sections.
  5. Prepare a Planting Hole.
  6. Plant the Iris.
  7. Caring for New Iris.

How soon can you transplant irises after they bloom?

Smaller shoots may take two years to produce blooms, but larger shoots should bloom the following spring. We recommend supplementing the soil with a low-nitrogen fertilizer, super phosphate or bone meal when transplanting.

What is the best time to divide irises?

Divide at the right time of year, after flowering, when irises become dormant during late summer, reducing the chance of bacterial soft rot. Avoid dividing during winter when irises are trying to survive on stored energy in their rhizomes. Snip the leaf blades to about one third of their height.

When should iris bulbs be separated?

Late July through early August is the best time to divide iris, as they are dormant during the summer. They then put on a flush of growth in preparation for winter. This dormant period makes it the ideal time to renovate a clump. Iris, as a general rule, should be divided about every three to five years.

What happens if you don’t divide iris?

As a general rule, iris should be divided about every three to five years. Without timely dividing, the plants simply outgrow their allotted space in the garden. Normally, the bloom quality of the clump decreases when the plants become overcrowded.

What do you do with overgrown irises?

Digging the clumps: Depending on how densely packed the Iris clump is, you may wish to dig up the entire mass and work on it out of the ground. In the case of the clumps overgrown with grass, you’re best bet is to dig up the whole shebang.

What time of year do you move irises?

The best time to plant and transplant rhizomatous iris is late July through September. Iris loves the heat and drier weather of summer and the summer dividing will reduce the incidence of bacterial soft rot. Most rhizomatous iris should be divided every three to five years.

When can you move irises?

Late July through mid August is the best time to plant, move or divide iris. Iris is one of the most popular perennials in the garden and easy to grow. Although they provide pleasure for many years with little care, periodic dividing is an important cultural practice for maintaining plant health.

What to do with iris after they bloom?

After your irises have bloomed, remove the dead blossoms. This prevents the plants from using up their energy in ripening the seed heads. If your irises stop producing blooms, they may have become overcrowded. Dig up the bulbs in early fall and separate them before replanting.

When to thin iris bulbs in the garden?

Irises provide striking color to the garden in late spring and early summer. The iris bed tends to become overcrowded, requiring thinning every three to five years. Loosen the soil around the iris bulbs with a spading fork, taking care not to spear the roots with the tines.

When do you know it’s time to transplant Iris?

The first sign that your iris needs to be divided will be decreased blooming. Overcrowded iris rhizomes will produce fewer flowers than uncrowded iris rhizomes. If you have noticed that your iris are blooming less than they usually do, you may need to transplant the iris in your garden.

How to divide and transplant Iris in the garden?

Instructions. 1 Dig up the Clump. Using a garden shovel, dig up the entire clump of iris. The easiest way to do this is to make deep cuts all around the clump; then 2 Divide the Clump Into Sections. 3 Trim the Leaves. 4 Inspect the Rhizome Sections. 5 Gardening Tip.

What’s the best way to get iris out of the ground?

Loosen the soil around the iris bulbs with a spading fork, taking care not to spear the roots with the tines. Break the soil up to a 6-inch depth then slide a trowel under the bulbs and lift them from the bed. Brush the dirt off the iris bulbs.