When did it become one space after a period?
When did it become one space after a period?
In 1989, Desktop Publishing by Design stated that “typesetting requires only one space after periods, question marks, exclamation points, and colons”, and identified single sentence spacing as a typographic convention.
Is it 2 spaces after a full stop?
Typing two spaces after a full stop is wrong, according to Microsoft Word. According to the program, it’s a formatting ‘error’ to double space after a period. The practice comes from the days of the typewriter when equal-width characters of ‘monospaced’ fonts called for clearer sentence endings.
Why do lawyers use two spaces after a period?
He explains that the use of two spaces between sentences derives from when everyone was writing on manual typewriters. Due to how typewriters handled proportionate spacing, it was easier to read typewritten documents which placed two periods between sentences.
Do you double space after a period in APA 7th edition?
A manual directs authors to use two spaces after a period (American Psychological Association, 2010, p. Washington, DC: Author. APA 7th Edition. The APA manual directs authors to use one space after a period (American Psychological Association, 2020, p.
Should there be space before and after?
Space Before and After Slash It depends. When a slash signifies alternatives between only two words, don’t use spaces before or after. Another time it’s acceptable to use a space after a slash is when breaking up lines of a poem, song, or play. In this case, a line break should be made after the slash.
Should there be a space after three dots?
Spacing. Whether you put spaces between the dots or not is a matter of style. The Chicago Manual of Style calls for spaces between every ellipsis point. The AP Stylebook says to treat the ellipsis as a three-letter word, with spaces on either side of the ellipsis but no spaces between the dots.
How many spaces after a full stop in a sentence?
Two spaces
Two spaces after each full stop. Every time. Easy. That made sense in the age of the typewriter.
Do you put a space before a full stop?
Full stops [.] Full stops (periods in the USA) go at the end of sentences that are statements. You do not put a space before a full stop, but you do need at least one space after one (two spaces for purists, but in these days of computers and e-mails one space is fine). My name is Lynne.