

Which one is the cold procedure in acid-fast staining?

Which one is the cold procedure in acid-fast staining?

The Kinyoun method or Kinyoun stain (cold method), developed by Joseph J. Kinyoun, is a procedure used to stain acid-fast species of the bacterial genera Mycobacterium and Nocardia and the apicomplexan genus Cryptosporidium. It is a variation of a method developed by Robert Koch in 1882.

What are the 3 main steps of an acid-fast stain?

Acid-Fast Staining Instructions

  • Air dry and heat fix a thin film of microorganisms.
  • Flood the slide with Carbolfuchsin.
  • Flood slide with Acid Alcohol for 30 seconds.
  • Counterstain by flooding the slide with Methylene Blue for 30 seconds.
  • Dry the slide by putting it between the pages of a book of Bibulous paper.

What indicates a positive result of an acid-fast stain?

A normal result for an acid-fast bacteria smear is negative, meaning no bacteria were found in the sputum sample. A positive result means that bacteria were found and that you may have an infection. The smear is treated with a special acid-fast stain that can provide a preliminary test result in 24 hours.

What is cold ZN staining?

362390. Prêt à l’emploi. Kit Cold ZN Staining allows a detection of mycobacteria or Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB). The characteristic structure of the mycobacteria walls hampers discolouring agent penetration. This property allows AFB to keep Fuchsin staining after discolouring with acid and alcohol.

What are the two methods of acid fast staining?

There are two types of acid fast staining: hot method and cold method. Ziehl-Neelsen is a hot method of acid fast staining. The components of Ziehl-Neelsen stain include primary stain (strong/concentrated carbol fuchsin), decolourizer (20% H2SO4) and counterstain (Loeffler’s methylene blue).

What is the correct order of staining solution in acid fast staining?

In this process the fixed bacterial smear is subjected to the following staining reagents in the order listed: crystal violet, iodine solution, alcohol (decolorizing agent), and safranin.

What is the principle of the acid fast stain?

Principle of acid fast staining (in mycobacteria): Heat softens the wax in the cell wall and allows the stain (basic fuchsin) to enter. The fuchsin dye is more soluble in phenol than in water or alcohol. Phenol in turn is more soluble in lipids or waxes, thus the dye-phenol mixture enters the cell.

What are the differences of Ziehl-Neelsen and kinyoun stains?

The fundamental difference between the two carbolfuchsin-based methods is whether heat is used during the primary staining process. The Ziehl-Neelsen method uses heat to infuse the carbolfuchsin into the acid-fast cells, whereas the Kinyoun method does not use heat.

What does a positive acid-fast stain look like?

Acid Fast Strain Acid fast bacteria will be red, while nonacid fast bacteria will stain blue/green with the counterstain with the Kinyoun stain.

What color is a positive acid-fast stain?

Acid Fast positive cells are stained the pink/red color of carbolfuchsin. Acid Fast negative cells are stained the light blue color of methylene blue.