

Which word is similar to poster?

Which word is similar to poster?


  • banner.
  • billboard.
  • placard.
  • sheet.
  • sign.
  • announcement.
  • handbill.
  • notice.

What are the words associated with advertisement?


  • ad,
  • advert.
  • [chiefly British],
  • announcement,
  • bulletin,
  • communiqué,
  • notice,
  • notification,

What is the similar word for advertisement?

Advertising Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for advertising?

publication announcement
notification proclamation
communication dissemination
printing promulgation
advertisement airing

What is a brief advertisement called?

classified ad noun. a short advertisement that you put in a newspaper, for example so that you can sell something.

What are the types of posters?

10 Types of Posters to Promote Your Business

  • Infomercial Posters. An infomercial poster is the most common type of poster.
  • Formative Posters.
  • Show Posters.
  • Political Ad Posters.
  • Fashion Posters.
  • Corporate Posters.
  • Campaign Posters.
  • Subject Posters.

What is the opposite of poster?

What is the opposite of poster?

answer heedlessness
ignorance neglect

What are the four key elements of a good advertisement?

Print advertisements usually contain four key elements: headline, copy, illustrations, and signature. Some advertisements also include the company’s slogan, which is often presented with or near the signature. An advertising campaign coordinates a series of ads around a theme.

What is short advertisement?

a short, simply designed advertisement in a newspaper or magazine, usually set entirely in a small size of type.

Are there any synonyms for the word posters?

Synonyms for posters include bills, placards, advertisements, announcements, notices, affiches, stickers, signs, playbills and ads. Find more similar words at

What are the best words to use in an ad?

Your – Words like “your” or “you” show customers that you’re thinking about them. It’s a simple, personalized touch that can go a long way to increase sales. Take a look at the three subject lines below. Each one includes the word “your” or “you.”

What are some good words to use in marketing?

Your – Words like “your” or “you” show customers that you’re thinking about them. It’s a simple, personalized touch that can go a long way to increase sales. Take a look at the three subject lines below.

Which is the most persuasive word in advertising?

The words that have an “*” next to them are what the late David Ogilvy considered to be the most persuasive words in advertising. Never heard of this Ogilvy character? He is widely considered to be the greatest advertiser of all time. So, while I believe all these marketing words are powerful, pay extra attention to Ogilvy’s. Let’s begin .