

What is carbonaceous and nitrogenous BOD?

What is carbonaceous and nitrogenous BOD?

Carbonaceous BOD is a subset of BOD. BOD results are based on DO depletion from both carbonaceous and nitrogenous actors in a wastewater sample. CBOD measures DO depletion from only carbonaceous sources. Regulators may assign either BOD or CBOD, or both, to wastewater treatment facilities.

How do carbonaceous oxygen demand and nitrogenous oxygen demand differ?

The major difference between CBOD and NBOD is that there are two classes of bacteria believed to be responsible for the oxidation of reduced nitrogen. The BOD5 value of Sewage samples collected from Covenant University oxidation pond was therefore measured and the samples examined for the presence of Escherichia coli.

What does carbonaceous and nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand BOD measure?

Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is a measure of the dissolved oxygen consumed by microorganisms during the oxidation of reduced substances in waters and wastes. Typical sources of BOD are readily biodegradable organic carbon (carbonaceous, CBOD) and ammonia (nitrogenous, NBOD).

What is CBOD and Nbod?

Nitrogenous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (NBOD) refers to the difference between Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD): NBOD = BOD – CBOD. According to Standard Methods 5210, microorganisms can facilitate the oxidation of reduced forms of nitrogen.

What is the difference between carbonaceous BOD and nitrogenous BOD?

While Carbonaceous BOD theoretically should require ~1.5 parts of O2 per part of BOD to be removed, nitrogenous BOD is significantly higher. For nitrogenous BOD the demand for oxygen is 4.6 lb O2/ lb BOD (4.6Kg/Kg) removed.

What are carbonaceous sources?

Carbonaceous materials are obtained via heat treatment from various sources, including coal, liquefied coal, coke, petroleum, resins, carbon blacks, paraffins, olefins, pitch, tar, polycyclic aromatic compounds (naphthalene, biphenyl, naphthalene sulfonic acid, anthracene sulfonic acid, phenanthrene sulfonic acid, etc. …

What is the difference between carbonaceous and nitrogenous BOD?

What does carbonaceous BOD measure?

Carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand or “CBOD5” means an index of the amount of oxygen that will be consumed by the decomposition of organic matter in sewage. (CBOD5) means BOD minus the nitrogenous oxygen demand, typically measured in mg/L.

What does Biochemical Oxygen Demand measure?

Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) represents the amount of oxygen consumed by bacteria and other microorganisms while they decompose organic matter under aerobic (oxygen is present) conditions at a specified temperature. The decay of organic matter in water is measured as biochemical or chemical oxygen demand.

What’s CBOD?

Definition of CBOD. Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD) represents the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) from organic (carbon-containing) compounds, as well as the oxidation of inorganic compounds such as ferrous iron and sulfide.

What’s the difference between nitrogenous BOD and carbonaceous BOD?

Theoretically you can calculate Total Biological Oxygen Demand of any influent = 1.5 x BOD5 + 4.6 x TKN. While Carbonaceous BOD theoretically should require ~1.5 parts of O2 per part of BOD to be removed, nitrogenous BOD is significantly higher.

How much oxygen do you need for carbonaceous BOD removal?

Pounds (kg) total oxygen required for carbonaceous BOD removal can range from 0.7 lb/lb (kg/kg) BOD for high rate activated sludge with short detention of Biomass (low sludge age) up to 1.5 lb/lb (kg//kg) BOD for extended aeration with long detention of Biomass (MLS, i.e., (long sludge age) in the biosystem.

When to change from total to carbonaceous BOD?

If the inhibited (carbonaceous)BOD results are significantly lower and closer to the TSS results, nitrification is occurring. Repeat side-by-side tests to confirm your findings. Contact your DNR wastewater engineer to see if your discharge permit can be changed from total to carbonaceous BOD.

How is nitrification related to the measurement of BOD?

This means that if the wastewater contains ammonia (and some do, particularly lagoons) and the nitrifying bacteria are present, then oxygen can be used in the conversion of nitrogen forms. This oxygen used up is measured as BOD, leading to BOD results biased high. The key equations are as follows: Reduced Nitrogen (Ammonia, or NH 3) + Oxygen (O 2)