

What is IUC in Canada?

What is IUC in Canada?

This eight or ten digit number appears on all documents you get from us. It looks like this: 0000-0000 or 00-0000-0000. If you have sent us an application before. Look for this number on: letters we sent you.

Where can I find my IUC?

Lift your GOtv decoder and turn it upside-down. You’d find a red sticker containing some set of numbers at the bottom of your decoder. The IUC number is the 10-digit number printed on the red sticker.

What is client ID number Canada Immigration?

Your client ID , also referred to as a UCI , is on all documents you get from us. It is an eight or ten-digit number that looks like this: 0000-0000 or 00-0000-0000.

Is an IUC the same as an IUD?

IUD stands for Intrauterine Device (basically: a device inside your uterus). It’s a small piece of flexible plastic shaped like a T. Sometimes it’s called an IUC — intrauterine contraception.

Where can I find my work permit number Canada?

the most recent Visitor Record, Study Permit, Work Permit or Temporary Resident Permit issued to you. The document number is found on the top right of your study permit, or IRCC document. It is a letter followed by 9 numbers (e.g.F123456789) on the top right.

How do I find my IUC number on DStv?

You can get your DStv smartcard number by simply pressing the OK button on your DStv remote, then selecting the Information Central Option using the OK Button. Your Smart Card number is the 10 digit number on the far right on the Smartcard row. You will also find your IUC/SC number underneath your DStv decoder.

Is IUC number same as smart card number?

Your IUC/smartcard number is a series of number assigned to your decoder for unique identification and subscription payment. IUC and smartcard Numbers are the same. The Only difference is in terminology for newer and older decoder models respectively. The 10 digit number on the card is your smartcard number.

What is Home Affairs client ID number?

Client ID. The Client ID is an 11 digit number located near the top of the visa grant notice.

Is my UCI number on my PR card?

Your UCI is an 8 or 10 digit reference number that appears on all correspondence you receive from IRCC. You can also find your UCI on your old PR Card (if you have one).

What is UCI number Canada visa?

Unique Client Identifier (UCI), is also known as a client identification number (client ID). It’s on official documents you get from Immigrant, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). It has either: four numbers, a hyphen and four more numbers (Example: 0000-0000) or.

Where can I Find my UCI number in Canada?

Where can I find my UCI number? This eight or ten digit number appears on all documents you get from Canadian Government. It looks like this: 0000–0000 or 00–0000–0000. If you have sent an application earlier. Look for this number on: letters Canadian Govt/ IRCC/ CIC has sent you.

What does UCI stand for in Government of Canada?

UCI stands for “unique client identifier.” It is also known as a client identification number (client ID). It’s on official documents you get from Government of Canada. It has either: four numbers, a hyphen and four more numbers (Example: 0000–0000) or

What is the UCI number on a work permit?

For example, when you receive a Work Permit, you may see a document number on the work permit paper. Consequently, a document number is unique to the document and different from UCI or the Application Number. Every person may have only one UCI with IRCC, but they may have multiple application numbers.

Where can I Find my Canadian immigration number?

This eight or ten digit number appears on all documents you get from Canadian Government. It looks like this: 0000–0000 or 00–0000–0000. Look for this number on: your immigration document such as a PR card, study or work permit Once you login t o your Express Entry, Go to Permanent Residency Application.