Why is my Ks refund taking so long?
Why is my Ks refund taking so long?
A number of things can cause a delay in your Kansas refund. They include: If the department needs to verify information reported on your return or request additional information, the process will take longer. Math errors in your return or other adjustments.
How long are Kansas refunds taking?
Statement from Kansas Department of Revenue: Taxpayers expecting refunds that filed electronically can expect a deposit in 10 to 14 business days. Taxpayers expecting a refund that filed using a paper form should allow at least 16 to 20 weeks to receive a refund back by mail.
Can I still get my 2015 tax refund?
Luckily, the answer for you is yes, but the time is limited. Since the original tax deadline date for 2015 was April 18, 2016, you have until this tax deadline to claim your 2015 refund. April 15, 2019 is the last day to claim your 2015 refund. Otherwise, your refund will expire and go back to the U.S. Treasury.
Why is my refund so delayed?
Your refund may be delayed if you made math errors or if you forgot to sign your return or include your Social Security number. It may also be delayed if your dependents’ information doesn’t match IRS records, or if you left out a corresponding schedule or form to support a deduction or credit, says Pickering.
Are Kansas State taxes delayed this year?
Specifically, Kelly said that Kansas 2020 individual income tax, fiduciary income tax, and Homestead or Property tax relief refund claim filings are extended to May 17, 2021, bringing the state in line with the Internal Revenue Service tax-filing and payment deadline extension.
How to check your Kansas State Tax Refund?
To check the status of your Kansas state refund online, go to https://www.kdor.ks.gov/Apps/kcsc/increfundstatus.aspx. In order to view status information, you will be prompted to enter: Social Security number; Refund amount; Type of return (Income tax or homestead) Click on “Submit” to view your refund status.
What do I need to renew my registration in Kansas?
To renew the registration you will need to take the license plate number and proof of insurance for each vehicle being renewed with you to the county treasurer’s motor vehicle office. Some counties may require a photo id.
Is there a 7 day grace period in Kansas?
Yes, If the United States is engaged in conflict the Kansas department of Revenue allows for a 7-day grace period from the date of return to Kansas.
How many disabled parking placards can you have in Kansas?
Kansas statute, KSA 8-1, 125, states that a permanently disabled individual may have one disabled plate OR decal and one disabled parking placard, or two disabled parking placards and NO disabled parking plate OR decal. Statutes do not allow for the issuance of two disabled parking plates OR decals or one disabled parking plate and a decal.