

Behavioral targeting is less effective than you previously thought

Behavioral targeting is less effective than you was believed. Behavioral advertising today is not something exceptional. Now this is a fairly common method of advertising, which is often used in contextual advertising. However, the efficiency, and most importantly – a positive attitude of users for behavioral advertising – today is reduced, the authors of the blog Biz Times.

Image result for targeting ad

A study conducted by USA Today and Gallup, revealed an ambiguous attitude of people to behavioral targeting. 61% of respondents said they did not want to expose themselves to behavioral targeting, even in exchange for free access to paid content.

Only 30% of the respondents have neutral attitude to behavioral targeting and made no claims to this model of advertising. Not so much, if you compare it with the many predictions that have been overflowing the Internet 2 years ago.

It is interesting that the younger audience relates to behavioral targeting more patiently, than the older generation. On the question whether the advertising system to gather information about the interests of users and sites visited by them, replied in the affirmative:

  • from 18 to 34 years – 34%
  • from 35 to 54 years 32%
  • from 55 to 26 years old – 26%

There is a distinct difference between people with different income levels. The same question replied in the affirmative:

  • $75,000 per year or more – 35%
  • $30 000 a year or more – 34%
  • less than $30,000 and 24%

Interesting statistics. It turns out that people with a minimum income are not willing to provide information about yourself advertising systems, whereas rich people refer to this practice more patience. However, they are not too keen on it – still 35% is very little!

Finally, from the study it became apparent another interesting conclusion. 57% of respondents would not mind to watch for behavioral advertising if they could choose the advertisers. Sounds pretty weird, but true! However, this applies only to users aged 18 to 34 years.

Whatever it was, obviously, behavioral advertising is not the Holy Grail, which it was believed a few years ago. Obviously users don’t like advertising systems operate on their private data.