Blog for the marketer
Blog for marketer of Max Kalehoff for the last four years was the author of, and participated in the creation of multiple blogs. Active blogging position became the basis not only of his work but also personal life. That’s why he decided to share his thoughts about blogging and to tell us why, in his opinion, every marketer should have his own diary. The original article can be found in the MediaPost blog.
Max has never hung the label “blogger”, because blogging is just his activity, not his essence. At the same time is one of the most important, interesting and exciting activities that he, as a marketer, able to choose for myself.
Not in order to meet the new fashion trends and especially not in order to be “all”. These reasons are too weak for blogging, because it takes a lot of time and requires considerable mental effort.
Blogging is one of the easiest ways to show who you are and what is your relation to marketing. Because when you write a post in your own web page, you automatically enter the realm of marketing, media, communications, networking, and personal relationships. Blogging combined the max with his new profession much more reliable and durable than any other activity.
First, you become one with your web-site. This is not surprising, because if you do publish your thoughts – your blog, its design and design, are beginning to Express you be the bearer of your personality. You begin to pay attention even to the smallest details, from graphic design to usability to the customers.
Second, the blog teaches you to better understand your community – those people you habitually simply referred to as the audience. If you didn’t understand numerous details and measurements, the blog is guaranteed to teach you to pay attention to parameters such as attendance, number of clients, sources of visitors, frequency of queries, etc.
Learning to understand your community, you will begin to attract more visitors, learn how to convince her to bring to the discussion. Learn to say, as a person, not a machine, a corporate voice or God than creating a resonance in human hearts and will attract them even more.
Finally, blogging will give you an understanding of the spontaneous nature of the Internet and social networks. This is a very democratic and capitalistic place. It is capable of self-regulation and self-correction. You can’t control, but you can live in it. Worth a try!