

Can you get rid of white sun spots?

Can you get rid of white sun spots?

There are several methods that may help reduce the appearance of white sunspots including OTC options such as topical steroid and retinoid creams, as well as professional treatments such as lasers, dermabrasion, chemical peels and cryotherapy.

What causes white sun spots?

Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis, or sun spots, are white spots that form on the skin as a result of long-term UV exposure. The number and size of white spots vary, but they’re generally round, flat, and between 2 and 5 millimeters. These spots can develop on different parts of the body including your: face.

How do I get rid of white sun spots on my face?

Treatment options include:

  1. wearing sunscreen every day, covering all areas of skin exposed to the sun.
  2. avoiding spending too long in the sun.
  3. avoiding artificial tanning beds.
  4. dermabrasion, which physically removes the outer layers of skin.
  5. topical steroid creams, such as hydrocortisone, available to purchase online.

How do you treat white sun spots on your face?

Your doctor may recommend topical creams, ultraviolet light therapy, or oral medication to help restore skin color and stop the spread of white patches. Skin grafts are also effective for getting rid of small patches of white skin.

How can I get rid of white spots on my face naturally?

Blend together 1 tbsp of granulated sugar and honey, and 3 tbsp of oatmeal. Apply the paste on the troubled area and allow it to dry for 5-10 minutes. Use lukewarm water to rinse it off. Use this home remedy 1-2 times a day for effective results.

How do you treat white spots on skin?

Other medications that may be applied topically include corticosteroid creams or ointments and immunosuppressant creams or ointments. Other skin conditions that lead to white skin spots may be treated with phototherapy, a procedure where the skin is exposed to ultraviolet light by a dermatologist.

What are the white spots on sunburned skin?

The most common of which is vitiligo, a condition that although is not harmful also causes discoloration of the skin. White spots within a sunburn are commonly due to a yeast named tinea versicolor. Under such conditions, growth of the yeast accelerates and causes the white, scaly spots.

What is the cause of white spots on the skin?

This infection is not contagious. Some of the causes that may lead to the formation of white spots on your skin include warm and humid weather, oily skin, excessive sweating, malnourishment, medications such as corticosteroids , or whatever causes the immune system to weaken as well as pregnancy.

What are the white spots found on your skin?

Vitiligo. White patches that develop on many areas of one’s skin are usually caused by vitiligo.

  • Tinea Versicolor. Tinea versicolor or ptyriasis versicolor is another common and harmless skin condition that affects skin color.
  • Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis.
  • Pityriasis Alba.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Nevus Depigmentosus.
  • Hypopigmentation.