

Can you look up informants?

Can you look up informants?

The general rule is that the prosecution doesn’t have to disclose the identity of a confidential informant. However, this rule has many exceptions; if a criminal defendant can show the importance of the CI’s identity to the case, it may be possible to find out who’s been talking to the cops.

What are the three types of informants?

TYPES OF INFORMANTS Sources of information may be anonymous callers, police officers, citizen informants and others. Citizen informants generally provide information as a result of their belief in good citizenship, or because they’re either witnesses to or victims of crime.

Do police have to reveal informants?

Are confidential informants protected?

Are confidential informants protected? Confidential Informants can never be 100% protected by the Government or anyone else. Being a CI is a very dangerous, risky endeavor. Anyone considering being a CI should first talk to a criminal defense attorney.

How many types of informants are there?

Types of informants The blanket term “informant” covers two distinct types of informers: citizen-informants, and police confidential informers.

Can a confidential informant be revealed?

No, the identity of informants are not public record. If CI’s were public record, it would put their lives in danger and the lives of their loved ones. However, the identity of a confidential informant will be revealed to the Defendant if the Defendant goes to trial.

What is a confidential reliable informant?

Confidential Reliable Informant: A person whose reliability and credibility have previously been established. This usually consists of, but is not limited to, validating at least one prior occasion where information from this informant proved to be factual and resulted in a valid arrest, seizure, or conviction.

Can informants be protected by law enforcement?

Confidential Informants can never be 100% protected by the Government or anyone else. Being a CI is a very dangerous, risky endeavor. Anyone considering being a CI should first talk to a criminal defense attorney.

What happens if a confidential informant refuses to testify?

In addition, if a court orders disclosure and a witness refuses to name the confidential informant, then the court may strike the testimony of that witness or dismiss the case, so it’s worth the effort to try and find out who the confidential informant is.

Is there a list of confidential informants?

People are free to try to make a public records request for lists of informant under the Freedom of Information Act or under a state public records law.