

Distrust of brands: causes and consequences

Distrust brands: causes and consequences consumers now trust the brands and information that they offer? According to some studies, these buyers will be typed no more than 20%. What do not so, what is the reason for this attitude of consumers to brands? Possible reasons for the negative attitude of the majority of consumers to brands calls Pultz Joe in his book Seven Content Strategies to Build Trust.


Some brands only talk about themselves, their preferences, and not about consumers and their interests

Yet it is quite often. Most of the brands are very self-centered. Enough to watch a few commercials on television or advertisements in the media, to understand that this is true. Brands shout: “I’m the best”, “I – the status” “I’m unique”. But only some of them are able to explain how this uniqueness or status helps the user to solve their problem. Such brands people do not trust. They don’t want to spend time on the study of advertising slogans. They’re too busy to enjoy the artistic style of an infomercial. All they want to know how to solve a particular task. If the brand doesn’t answer this question, they just pass him by.

Some brands openly expressionless

They are unable to articulate the message to target audience. This condition is easy to check yourself. Go to the main page of the website of any company. If after 30 seconds you are not getting a clear idea of what the company offers and how you are personally interested in its products, then the brand suffers from the disadvantage announced. He is wishy-washy. What do you feel? If you want to stay on this site and spend the time to understand what offers this brand? No? So other consumers! And if they lose interest in the brand after 30 seconds, the brand just does not have time to win the trust of consumers.

Low quality content (both text, and visual)

Nothing alienates the consumer from the brand, as low quality content that comes from his name: corporate magazine, newspaper, or texts on the website of the company. Low-quality content only worsens the situation: if it is not, the user may simply not notice the brand. But if he found the content created for that brand, and it has not caused him any emotion but disgust, consider that the struggle for this user is already lost: he takes his frustration to the brand company, his impression will be very negative. The conclusion is simple: better no content than posting low-quality content!

Variability in the provision of content

Even those companies that create quality content for their brands, can make a mistake: namely, to produce content sporadically. Man is so constituted: it is annoying that does not meet its expectations. Let’s say you issue the corporate newspaper for customers. Six months it comes out once a month, and then suddenly, without any warning or explanation two months disappears. If the newspaper consumers don’t like it, see point 3. If a newspaper like it, they will feel irritated by the fact that in due time have not received what they were used to. This irritation obvious way is transferred to the brand. The consumer says something like: “How can I trust the company that even in this simple question, as the issue of the newspaper, does not keep his promises?”.

Doing nothing

If the company did not make significant steps to get closer to the consumer, to win his trust, this is just a suspicion: and if she is interested in users at all? She’s just too lazy to move? Or she’s so proud of himself and his brands that are not ready to “fall” to good marketing? The result of such reasoning is obvious: no one will trust the company that this trust is not even looking.