

Do you still get a car tax reminder letter?

Do you still get a car tax reminder letter?

You’ll still get a paper Vehicle Tax Reminder (V11) in the post, reminding you when your tax is due – nothing’s changed there. It’s never been easier to tax your vehicle online or by ‘phone, on 0300 123 4321. Both these options are 24/7. Or, if you prefer, you can tax at a Post Office that deals with vehicle tax.

Will I get a reminder for my road tax?

Do you get a road tax reminder? When you purchase or register a vehicle that’s new to you, you will need to set up VED. If you don’t do this straight away, the DVLA will likely send out a V11 reminder form. This form can be filled in so that your road tax is set up.

What is V11 reminder letter?

Registered keepers of eligible vehicles receive a reminder in the post from the DVLA about three weeks before their current tax is about to run out. The V11 can be used to either renew the vehicle’s tax or declare that it will be off road (see Statutory Off Road Notification).

What happens if I forget to tax my car?

When your car tax is up for renewal, you should receive a V11 reminder letter in the post to help you to remember. Even if your vehicle is stationary on the road, if you’ve forgotten to pay the tax, it could be clamped or even impounded!

Is insurance valid without tax?

Your insurance is (usually) still valid without tax, but it depends on your insurer. Generally, your insurance is still valid even if your car tax runs out. But different insurance companies have their own rules. So, you’ll need to check your car insurance to avoid getting caught out.

How do I tax my vehicle with or without a reminder?

How do I tax my vehicle with or without a reminder? Registered keepers of eligible vehicles receive a reminder in the post from the DVLA about three weeks before their current tax is about to run out. This form has two purposes, and as such is called the V11 ‘Vehicle Licence Application or SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification)’.

When do you get a reminder for tax?

Registered keepers of eligible vehicles receive a reminder in the post from the DVLA about three weeks before their current tax is about to run out. This form has two purposes, and as such is called the V11 ‘Vehicle Licence Application or SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification)’. The V11 can be used to either renew the vehicle’s tax or declare

When do I get my tax reminder from DVLA?

Registered keepers of eligible vehicles receive a reminder in the post from the DVLA about three weeks before their current tax is about to run out.

Where do I go to renew my vehicle tax?

The V11 can be used to either renew the vehicle’s tax or declare that it will be off road (see Statutory Off Road Notification ). With the V11, tax can be renewed online, by phone or at a post office that deals with vehicle tax. To find a post office that deals with vehicle tax in your location visit the Post Office Branch finder.