

Does thalassemia intermedia need blood transfusion?

Does thalassemia intermedia need blood transfusion?

Although individuals with thalassaemia intermedia do not usually need regular blood transfusions, there is some evidence that complications, particularly later in life, may be less common in regularly transfused patients.

How is beta thalassemia intermedia diagnosed?

Diagnosis is based on clinical findings, hematological tests (Hb level between 7 and 10 g/dl, mean corpuscular volume (MCV) between 50 and 80 fl and mean corpuscular Hb (MCH)between 16 and 24 pg), hemoglobin analysis and molecular genetic testing.

How is thalassemia intermedia treated?

Blood transfusion and chelation are necessary in some patients, especially during childhood, in order to promote growth and prevent bone deformities. Alloimunisation, however, is frequent and can be difficult to control. Splenectomy is usually needed at some time because of hypersplenism and mechanical encumbrance.

How do you get thalassemia intermedia?

In order for a child to get thalassemia intermedia, both parents must carry the trait for thalassemia. If both parents carry the trait (also known as “thalassemia minor”), there is a 1-in-4 chance with each pregnancy that the child will be born with the severe form of the disease.

Is thalassemia a homozygous Intermedia?

Thalassemia intermedia is characterized by a significant genetic and clinical heterogeneity. A wide spectrum of different genotypes – homozygous, heterozygous and compound heterozygous – have been thought to be responsible for thalassemia intermedia.

How is beta thalassemia passed down?

People inherit the genes for beta thalassemia from their parents. A child gets one beta protein gene from the mother and one from the father: Someone who inherits the gene change in the beta protein from one parent has beta thalassemia minor (beta thalassemia trait).

What blood tests are done to detect thalassemia?

Abnormally shaped red blood cells are a sign of thalassemia. The lab technician may also perform a test known as hemoglobin electrophoresis . This test separates out the different molecules in the red blood cells, allowing them to identify the abnormal type.

What is the difference between thalassemia minor and major?

Thalassemia minor is a mild form of the disease in which the patient inherits only one mutated gene and act as a carrier. Thalassemia major is a severe form of the disease that can cause serious illness. Thalassemia is a group of genetic blood disorders that is characterized by destruction of red blood cells and hemoglobin higher than normal.

What is a beta Thal trait?

Beta thal trait, sometimes called beta thalassemia minor, is a mild form of beta thalassemia. In beta thalassemia trait, there is enough beta globin for normal health. Your baby may have a slightly lower hemoglobin (anemia).

What is thalassemia trait?

Thalassemia Trait. Thalassemia is a genetic disease. This means that a person can only get thalassemia disease or trait by inheriting the genes for thalassemia from their parents. Genes determine what we look like, such as hair color, and are also responsible for many diseases.