

How do I match scale in AutoCAD?

How do I match scale in AutoCAD?

To Scale an Object by Reference

  1. Click Home tab Modify panel Scale. Find.
  2. Select the object to scale.
  3. Select the base point.
  4. Enter r (Reference).
  5. Select the first and second reference points, or enter a value for the reference length.

How do I change the architectural scale in AutoCAD?

To Specify the Drawing Units

  1. Click Utilities Drawing Setup.
  2. Click the Units tab.
  3. Under Drawing Units, select the desired units.
  4. To scale objects that you insert into the current drawing from drawings with different drawing units, select Scale Objects Inserted from Other Drawings.

What is the difference between model and layout in AutoCAD?

There are two distinct working environments, called “model space” and “paper space,” in which you can work with objects in a drawing. By default, you start working in a limitless 3D drawing area called model space. In the layout viewports, you scale the model space views relative to paper space.

What is the meaning of 1 100 scale?

Ratio scales If the scale of the plan is 1 : 100, this means the real measurements are 100 times longer than they are on the plan. So 1 cm on the plan represents a real length of 100 cm (1 metre)

How do you determine model space scale?

You can scale the entire drawing to be correct with scale command with reference option….i guess you can .. and by Scale command ( Reference ) you can get it :

  1. Select the object to scale.
  2. Select the base point.
  3. Enter r (Reference).
  4. Select the first and second reference points, or enter a value for the reference length.

How do I change scale in AutoCAD Architecture?

How do you match the scale of two drawings in AutoCAD?


  1. Draw a line that is at the proper length (Ex: If the dimension shows 25′, draw a line at that length).
  2. Type ALIGN into the command line and press Enter.
  3. Select the image to be scaled and press Enter.
  4. Specify the first source point, and then click the corresponding destination point.

How to use different scales in model space?

Working in model space and using different scales: A common practice I see is for some firms to draw various plans with different scales, all on one sheet and scale it up or down to make it look right. Example: A building plan is setup to plot at 1/8″ scale with blown up part plans on the same sheet at 1/4″ and 1/2″ scales.

Where can I find model space in AutoCAD?

Model space is accessible from the Model tab and paper space is accessible from the layout tabs.

How does model space and paper space work?

One unit in paper space represents the actual distance on a sheet of paper, either in millimeters or inches, depending on how you configure your page setup. Model space is accessible from the Model tab and paper space is accessible from the layout tabs.

Do you need a separate DWG file for each scaled item?

Create a separate DWG file for each of the alternate scaled items. (YES – if you have a lot of blow-ups you will have a lot of additional drawings, and if that is the case – are you sure you do not want to consider Paper Space?)