

How do I report national security?

How do I report national security?

Report life-threatening and non-life-threatening emergencies in federal buildings to Federal Protective Service (FPS). Report suspicious activity by calling 1-877-4FPS-411 (1-877-437-7411).

What is Australia’s national security?

National security is all about keeping Australians safe and secure. PM&C helps the Prime Minister and the Government to make decisions on national security issues. The National Security Division of PM&C advises the Prime Minister on how to deal with threats to the nation’s security.

What is a national security concern?

What Is a National Security Threat? Anything that threatens the physical well-being of the population or jeopardizes the stability of a nation’s economy or institutions is considered a national security threat.

How do I report suspicious activity in Australia?

To report a crime or for general advice about local security and safety issues in your community, call your local police on 13 14 44 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. For police, fire or ambulance response to a life threatening emergency or if a crime is in progress, call triple zero (000).

What qualifies as suspicious activity?

Suspicious activity can refer to any incident, event, individual or activity that seems unusual or out of place. Some common examples of suspicious activities include: A stranger loitering in your neighborhood or a vehicle cruising the streets repeatedly. Someone peering into cars or windows.

When should I call the National Security Hotline?

1800 123 400
Even if you think it’s probably nothing, the smallest piece of information can be valuable. If something doesn’t add up, speak up by calling the National Security Hotline on 1800 123 400.

Does Australia have national security law?

National security Effective laws are a critical component of Australia’s response to threatened or actual terrorist acts. Australia’s laws against terrorism are in Part 5.3 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Criminal Code). Australia’s laws against foreign incursions and recruitment are in Part 5.5 of the Criminal Code.

Does Australia have homeland security?

No homeland security department for Australia.

What are examples of national security?

National security is the ability of a country’s government to protect its citizens, economy, and other institutions. Today, some non-military levels of national security include economic security, political security, energy security, homeland security, cybersecurity, human security, and environmental security.

What are the different national security concerns?

In addition to the ongoing presence of terrorist groups in Mindanao, the Philippines is beset by several different insurgencies, with significant regions of ungoverned or poorly governed space, endemic corruption, a rapidly growing population, and threats to its maritime resources and continental shelf posed by China’s …

How can I contact the National Security Hotline?

If something doesn’t add up, speak up by calling the National Security Hotline on 1800 123 400. If you are travelling overseas you can call the NSH on (+61) 1300 123 401. If you need an interpreter, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask them to call the National Security Hotline on 1800 123 400.

How can I report a national security issue?

If you wish to report suspicious activity, you can contact the National Security Hotline in the following ways: National Security Hotline on 1800 1234 00. To report a crime or for general advice about local security and safety issues in your community, call your local police on 13 14 44 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

When was the National Security Hotline established in Australia?

The National Security Hotline (NSH) 1800 123 400 is a vital component of Australia’s national counter-terrorism efforts. The NSH was established on 27 December 2002, and has since received more than 300,000 calls, faxes, letters and emails.

Is there a reporting hotline in Hong Kong?

National Security Department of the Hong Kong Police Force has launched the ‘National Security Department Reporting Hotline’ on 5th November 2020, with a view to facilitating members of the public to provide or report national security related information. Please note the following: