

How do I reverse a list in OCaml?

How do I reverse a list in OCaml?

flatten in the Ocaml standard library. val reverse : ‘a list -> ‘a list reverse xs returns a list containing the elements of the list xs in reverse order. Note: This function is called List. rev in the Ocaml standard library.

Which slice operation will reverse the list?

You can reverse a list in Python using the built-in reverse() or reversed() methods. These methods will reverse the list without creating a new list. Python reverse() and reversed() will reverse the elements in the original list object.

How do I remove an element from a list in OCaml?

Lists in OCaml are immutable. So you can’t remove things from them. You normally create another list that doesn’t have the things you don’t want.

What does :: do in OCaml?

Lists are predefined in OCaml. The empty list is written [] . The constructor that allows prepending an element to a list is written :: (in infix form).

What is <> in OCaml?

OCaml distinguishes between structural equality and physical equality (essentially equality of the address of an object). = is structural equality and == is physical equality. Beware: <> is structural not-equals while != is physical not-equals.

How do I reverse a string list?

If you want to reverse strings ( str ) and tuples ( tuple ), use reversed() or slice.

  1. List type method reverse() reverses the original list.
  2. Built-in function reversed() returns a reverse iterator.
  3. Reverse with slicing.
  4. Reverse strings and tuples.

What does apostrophe mean in OCaml?

The single quote ‘a in OCaml represents a general type. What does a’ represent? It looks like it’s not a grammar error, like in the following code: type nat = | O | S of nat let rec plus n m = match n with | O -> m | S n’ -> S (plus n’ m)

What does list filter do in OCaml?

filter f l returns all the elements of the list l that satisfy the predicate f . The order of the elements in the input list is preserved.

What does double semicolon mean in OCaml?

→ The double semicolon The answer to the question “When do I need the ;; within OCaml source code?” is never. It’s not a part of the language and is only used by the interpreter as an end of input mark.