

How do I select a specific sheet in Excel VBA?

How do I select a specific sheet in Excel VBA?

VBA Select Worksheet Method: Instructions

  1. Open an Excel Worksheet.
  2. Press Alt+F11 to Open VBA Editor.
  3. Insert a Module from Insert Menu.
  4. Copy the above code for activating worksheet and Paste in the code window(VBA Editor)
  5. Save the file as macro enabled Worksheet.

How do I specify a sheet in VBA?

  1. To refer to a worksheet: Worksheets(“Sheet1”) or Sheets(“Sheet1”)
  2. Use the name of the sheet.
  3. To refer to the active worksheet: ActiveWorksheet.

How do you use selection in VBA?

In VBA we can select any range of cells or a group of cells and perform different set of operations on them, selection is a range object so we use range method to select the cells as it identifies the cells and the code to select the cells is “Select” command, the syntax to use for selection is range(A1:B2). select.

How do you select a worksheet?

Click the tab for the first sheet, then hold down SHIFT while you click the tab for the last sheet that you want to select. By keyboard: First, press F6 to activate the sheet tabs. Next, use the left or right arrow keys to select the sheet you want, then you can use Ctrl+Space to select that sheet.

How do I select the first sheet in Excel VBA?

Jump to the first or last worksheet with VBA code

  1. Hold down the ALT + F11 keys to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.
  2. Click Insert > Module, and paste the following code in the Module Window.
  3. And then press F5 key to run this code, the first sheet is activated at once.

How do you assign a worksheet to a variable in VBA?

When we declare a variable, we need to assign a data type to it, and we can also assign objects as data types. To assign a value to declared object variables, we need to use the word “SET.” The word “Set” used to refer to a new object in VBA, for example, referring to the particular range of the particular worksheet.

How do I select option in Excel?

Create a drop-down list

  1. Select the cells that you want to contain the lists.
  2. On the ribbon, click DATA > Data Validation.
  3. In the dialog, set Allow to List.
  4. Click in Source, type the text or numbers (separated by commas, for a comma-delimited list) that you want in your drop-down list, and click OK.

How do I go to a specific worksheet in Excel?

How do you select a worksheet in VBA?

This Excel VBA tutorial explains how to use Worksheet.Select Method to select a single worksheet or multiple worksheets. When you click on a worksheet tab, the worksheet is highlighted. To select multiple worksheets, you can hold down Ctrl and then left click the mouse on each worksheet tab.

How do you select sheets in Excel?

In Excel worksheet, there are two ways to select multiple worksheets. Method 1. Hold down Ctrl and then left click the mouse on each worksheet tab. Method 2. Right click on one of the sheet, and then click Select All Sheets. One practical use of selecting multiple worksheets is to print selected worksheets.

How to select all sheets except one in Excel?

To select all tabs except specific one, the following VBA code can help you, please do as this: Hold down the ALT + F11 keys, then it opens the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window. Click Insert > Module, and paste the following code in the Module Window. And then press F5 key to run this code, and all sheet tabs have been selected except the specific one, see screenshot:

How do I set an active sheet in Excel?

You can do this by selecting the cell that contains the text and press CTRL+K then select the option/tab ‘Place in this document’ and select the tab you want to activate. If you would click the text (that is now a link) the configured sheet will become active/selected.