

How do I shrink a large SQL log file?

How do I shrink a large SQL log file?

Right-click the database again and select Tasks -> Shrink -> Files. Change the type to Log . Under Shrink action, select Reorganize pages before releasing unused space and click OK. When the process completes, switch the recovery model back to Full or Bulk-Logged and take a full database backup.

Why is my SQL server log file so big?

The most common one by far is that the database is in full recovery model, and Transaction Log backups are not happening fast enough, or not happening at all. Next to that, it could be that you had a massive transaction happen such as a huge data import, rebuild all indexes, etc.

How do I reduce the size of SQL log file?

You have to shrink & backup the log a several times to get the log file to reduce in size, this is because the the log file pages cannot be re-organized as data files pages can be, only truncated. For a more detailed explanation check this out.

How do you shrink transaction log?

The Transaction Log file of a database can be shrunk by right-clicking on the database and choose the Shrink -> Files option from the Tasks menu, as shown below: In the Shrink File page , change the File Type to Log, and choose the Transaction Log file that you manage to shrink.

How do I shrink database in SQL?

How to shrink a SQL Server database with SQL Server Management Studio Start SSMS and connect to the SQL Server database engine In the Object Explorer panel locate the database in question, and use right mouse click to bring up the context menu Navigate to Tasks / Shrink / Database

What is transaction log in SQL Server?

A transaction log is a file that is an integral part of every SQL Server database. Every database on a SQL Server comprises of at least one database file and one transaction log file. The transaction log file is a like a gateway to the database.