

How do you do a multi section solid in Catia?

How do you do a multi section solid in Catia?

Click Multi-sections Solid . The Multi-sections Solid Definition dialog box appears. Select the three section curves as shown: They are highlighted in the geometry area….Guides

  1. Remove the selected curve.
  2. Replace the selected curve by another curve.
  3. Add another curve.

How do you use multi section surfaces?

CATPart document.

  1. Click Multi-sections Surface . The Multi-sections Surface Definition dialog box appears.
  2. Select two or more planar section curves. The curves must be continuous in point.
  3. Click Preview .
  4. If needed, select one or more guide curves.
  5. Click OK to create the multi-sections surface.

How do I merge surfaces in Catia?

CATPart document.

  1. Click Join .
  2. Select the surfaces or curves to be joined.
  3. You can edit the list of elements to be joined:
  4. Right-click the elements from the list and choose the Check Selection contextual command.
  5. Click Preview .
  6. Click Cancel to return to the Join Definition dialog box.

How do you extrude a surface in Catia?

Creating Extruded Surfaces

  1. Click Extrude .
  2. Select the Profile to be extruded (Sketch.
  3. Specify the desired extrusion Direction (xy plane).
  4. Define the Extrusion Limits for Limit 1 and Limit 2.

How do you combine solid in CATIA v5?

Click Solid Combine . The Combine Definition dialog box appears. Select Sketch….The components you can select are:

  1. Sketches.
  2. Surfaces.
  3. Sketches sub-elements: for this, use the Go to Profile definition contextual command. (for more information, refer to Using the Sub-elements of a Sketch)
  4. 3D planar curves.

How do I remove multi section solid in CATIA?

Creating Removed Multi-sections Solids

  1. Select Closing Point 2 as shown on Section 2 to redefine the closing point.
  2. Click Closing Point 2 arrow to reverse the direction. It is possible to edit the feature reference elements by first selecting a curve in the dialog box list then choosing a button to either:

How do you constrain a spline in Catia?

To set tangency conditions onto any point of the spline, select the point and click on Tangent Dir. There are two ways of imposing tangency and curvature constraints: Explicit : select a line or plane to which the tangent on the spline is parallel at the selected point.

What is the full form of Catia?

CATIA stands for Computer Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application. It’s much more than a CAD (Computer Aided Design) software package. It’s a full software suite which incorporates CAD, CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering) and CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacture).

How do you combine solid in Catia V5?

Where is the Extrude button in Catia?

Click Extrusion in the Walls toolbar. The Extrusion Definition dialog box is displayed. Select a sketch.

Which tool is used to extrude a sketch in Catia?

About the Extrude Feature. In Assembly mode, you can only create a solid cut, surface, or surface trim. There are several ways to activate the Extrude tool: Click Model > Extrude and create a sketch to extrude.

How do you define a multi section surface?

Open the Loft1.CATPartdocument. Click Multi-sections Surface. The Multi-sections Surface Definition dialog box appears. Select two or more planar section curves. The curves must be continuous in point. You can select tangent surfaces for the start and end section curves.

Which is the guide curve for a multi section surface?

If needed, select one or more guide curves. Guide curves must intersect each section curve and must be continuous in point. The first guide curve will be a boundary of the multi-sections surface if it intersects the first extremity of each sections curve.

What are the constraints for creating a multi section surface?

After the multi-sections surface is relimited, the following constraint needs to be fulfilled: the plane normal to the spine defined at the relimitation point must intersect the guide(s) and the point(s) resulting from this intersection must belong to the section. Canonical Elements

What is the default angular correction for a multi section surface?

By default, the angular correction is set to 0.5 degree. The Deviation check box allows you to smooth the lofting motion by deviating from the guide curve (s). A smoothing is performed using correction default parameters in tangency and curvature. By default, the deviation is set to 0.001mm, as defined in Tools > Options.