

How do you reset Microsoft Word 2010?

How do you reset Microsoft Word 2010?

Please follow these steps:

  1. Close Word application;
  2. Delete Normal. DOTM and BuildingBlocks. DOTX: these files are rebuilt automatically next time Word is started. Normal.
  3. Use regedit to delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Word\Data key: it will be rebuilt automatically next time Word is started.

How do I set a default font in Word 2010?

To use your favorite font in Word all the time, set it as the default.

  1. Go to Format > Font > Font. You can also press and hold. + D to open the Font dialog box.
  2. Select the font and size you want to use.
  3. Select Default, and then select Yes.
  4. Select OK.

What are the default settings for a Word document?

This video will show you how to update some of the default settings in Microsoft Word so that all new documents have:

  • Times New Roman font style.
  • Size 12 font.
  • 1″ margins.
  • Double spacing.
  • Correct line spacing.

How do I make Microsoft Word my default?

How to Set Word as the Default to Open Word Documents

  1. Type “file associations” from the Windows 8 Start screen, click “Settings” and select “Make a File Type Always Open in a Specific Program” from the search results.
  2. Double-click “.
  3. Click “Microsoft Word” from the pop-up window to make it the default program.

How do you set Microsoft Word back to default settings?

There are two ways to reset MS word to its default settings: You can click on this link to access Microsoft reset software. On the page you will find a ‘download button’, click on it and let the file get downloaded. Once downloaded, click on ‘run’ and then select ‘open’. Then you can sit back while MS word resets to its default settings.

How do you reset your Microsoft Word settings?

How to Reset Word Settings. Most problems with Word can be fixed by resetting it: Close Microsoft Word. Click the Start button (Windows XP users should then click Run). Type regedit and press Enter. Navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> Microsoft -> Office -> 14 -> Word. Double click on the Word folder.

How to reset Microsoft Word to default settings [solved]?

How to Reset Microsoft Word to Default Settings Choose the Run option from the Start menu. This displays the Run dialog box. In the “Open” box, type in “regedit. ” Click “OK” to start the Regedit program. Press the Delete key. A prompt will ask if you really want to delete the key. Select “Yes”. Close the Registry Editor. Restart Microsoft Word. It should now be restored to default settings. See More….

What is the default setting of word?

The default setting is to open text files in Notepad. To change it to Microsoft Word, select it and then click “Change Program”. Select ” Microsoft Office Word ” under “Recommended Programs”.