

How does acromioclavicular joint move?

How does acromioclavicular joint move?

The AC joint is a plane type synovial joint, which under normal physiological conditions allows only gliding movement. As it attaches the scapula to the thorax, it allows an additional range of motion to the scapula and assists in arm movement such as shoulder abduction and flexion.

What 3 motions occur at the acromioclavicular joint?

Three-dimensional motion occurs at the acromioclavicular joint during humeral abduction in the scapular plane, including internal rotation, upward rotation, and posterior tilting.

How many movements are permitted by acromioclavicular joint motion?

It is a multiaxial joint, allowing the movements in the three degrees of freedom; protraction-retraction, elevation-depression, and axial rotation.

What are the movements of the glenohumeral joint?

Glenohumeral joint

Type Synovial ball and socket joint; multiaxial
Movements Flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, external/lateral rotation, internal/medial rotation and circumduction
Rotator cuff muscles Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis Mnemonic: Rotator cuff SITS on the shoulder

What motion does the acromioclavicular ligament prevent?

These ligaments contribute to horizontal stability, making them crucial for preventing superior dislocation of the AC Joint. Both portions also limit the rotation of the scapula.

What joint is the acromioclavicular joint?

The acromioclavicular, or AC, joint is a joint in the shoulder where two bones meet. One of these bones is the collarbone, or clavicle. The second bone is actually part of the shoulder blade (scapula), which is the big bone behind the shoulder that also forms part of the shoulder joint.

How many degrees of freedom does the AC joint have?

3 degrees of freedom
The AC joint is a plane synovial joint comprised of the acromial process of the scapula and the lateral end of the clavicle. A fibrous capsule surrounds the joint and there may be a fibrocartilaginous intra-articular disc. The joint has 3 degrees of freedom with 5-8 degrees rotation.

How do I loosen my AC joint?

Place one forearm on a fixed point such as a doorframe or corner of a wall and gently turn away from it to stretch the front of the shoulder. Hold the position for 10 to 20 seconds and repeat 3 times. You should feel a gentle stretch in the front of the shoulder but no pain.

What are the Nine 9 glenohumeral joint movements?

What causes acromioclavicular joint injuries?

An Acromioclavicular joint sprain is a tear (or stretching) of the ligaments which hold the clavicle bone to the top of the shoulder blade. It is usually caused by a fall onto an outstretched arm.

How can you get an acromioclavicular (AC) joint injury?

An injury to the AC joint can occur as a direct blow to the shoulder , which is common is contact sports, such as football and hockey. It can also occur when slipping and falling onto the shoulder or riding a bike too aggressively and going over the handlebars.

What does an acromioclavicular (AC) joint injury feel like?

Unlike other injuries that can trigger misplaced pain sensations, AC joint sprains typically leave the top of your shoulder feeling sore. This is the spot where your collarbone attaches to the acromion. While pain from an AC joint sprain is usually specific, it can begin as general discomfort .

How are acromioclavicular joint injuries classified?

Acromioclavicular joint sprains have been classified according to the severity of injury to the acromioclavicular and coracoclavicular ligaments, the acromioclavicular joint capsule, and the supporting muscles of the shoulder (trapezius and deltoid) that attach to the clavicle.