

How does urban Thesaurus find synonyms for slang words?

How does urban Thesaurus find synonyms for slang words?

Hopefully the related words and synonyms for ” term ” are a little tamer than average. The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations between slang terms.

Are there any synonyms for the word thesaurus?

Synonyms for thesaurus. reference book. glossary. lexicon. onomasticon. terminology. vocabulary. language reference book. sourcebook.

Which is the best site to find synonyms for words?

Build your vocabulary with new words, definitions, and origin stories every day of the week. We’ve found the most overused words and the synonyms you should be using instead. is the world’s largest and most trusted free online thesaurus brought to you by

Which is the best synonym for the word curious?

other words for curious. MOST RELEVANT. inquisitive. interested. analytical. disquisitive. examining. impertinent. inquiring.

Can a slang word have more than one meaning?

Enter a slang word (e.g. kicks) or a meaning (e.g. shoes.) Words can have more than one definition. Each different definition corresponds to a different meaning. For example, here are two definitions from the slang word kicks: shoes. Those are some nice kicks. to be great.

Which is the slang word of the day?

New slang definitions Today’s slang word of the day is womp womp. Logged in users can add new slang words and definitions to the dictionary. The newest definitions are for the following: Started in 1996, The Online Slang Dictionary is the eldest slang dictionary on the web.

Which is the oldest slang dictionary on the web?

Started in 1996, The Online Slang Dictionary is the eldest slang dictionary on the web. We bring you more than 24,000 real definitions for over 17,000 slang words and phrases. You’ll find more than 5,700 citations from TV shows, movies, news publications, and other sources.