

How much has the US population grown since 1930?

How much has the US population grown since 1930?

Historical Census population

Census year Population Growth rate
1920 106,021,537 14.96%
1930 123,202,624 16.21%
1940 132,164,569 7.27%
1950 151,325,798 14.50%

What was the growth rate of the population in 1930?

7.3 percent
In the 1930s, the decade with the slowest population growth, the rate was 7.3 percent.

What percentage of U.S. population was black in 1930?

The Hispanic and Asian population of the United States has rapidly increased in the late twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and the African American percentage of the U.S. population is slowly increasing as well since reaching a low point of less than ten percent in 1930.

What was the U.S. population during ww2?

1940 United States census

Sixteenth census of the United States
Country United States
Total population 132,164,569 ( 7.3%)
Most populous ​state New York 13,479,142

What was the world population in 1930?

2 billion
POPULATION GROWTH. Ÿ 1830 the world’s population was One billion. Ÿ 1930 just 100 years later, the population reached 2 billion.

What was the population in 1930?

1930 United States census

Fifteenth census of the United States
Total population 122,775,046 ( 13.7%)
Most populous ​state New York 12,588,066
Least populous ​state Nevada 91,058

What was the population of America in 1930?

United States Population Chart

Census Year Population Census Year
1700 250,888 1910
1710 331,711 1920
1720 466,185 1930
1730 629,445 1940

How much has the US population increased in the last 50 years?

For most of the last 50 years, the population grew by about 1 percent per year, thanks in large part to immigration.

What was the population of the United States in 1999?

US Population by Year Date Value Value Jul 1, 2000 282.16 million Jul 1, 1999 279.04 million Jul 1, 1998 275.85 million Jul 1, 1997 272.65 million

What was the population of the United States in 2016?

US Population by Year Date Value Value Jul 1, 2017 324.99 million Jul 1, 2016 322.94 million Jul 1, 2015 320.64 million Jul 1, 2014 318.30 million

Who was President of the United States in 1932?

July 28 – U.S. President Herbert Hoover orders the U.S. Army to forcibly evict the Bonus Army of World War I veterans gathered in Washington, D.C. Troops disperse the last of the Bonus Army the next day. The 1932 Summer Olympics open in Los Angeles.

What was the population of the United States in 2009?

US Population by Year Date Value Value Jul 1, 2009 306.77 million Jul 1, 2008 304.09 million Jul 1, 2007 301.23 million Jul 1, 2006 298.38 million