

Is coursework singular or plural?

Is coursework singular or plural?

“Coursework” is a mass noun, which means it is uncountable and used in similar ways to other mass nouns you might be more familiar with. Think water, love, or ass-kicking. Similarly, words such as “schoolwork” and “homework” are also mass nouns. You can’t count them or pluralize them.

How do I know what my purpose is?

7 Tips for Finding Your Purpose in LifeDonate Time, Money, or Talent. Hero Images / Getty Images. Listen to Feedback. It can be hard to recognize the things you feel passionate about sometimes. Surround Yourself With Positive People. Start Conversations With New People. Explore Your Interests. Consider Injustices That Bother You. Discover What You Love to Do.

How do I find my Ikigai?

To discover you Ikigai, you must first find what you’re most passionate about. Then, you find the medium through which you can express that passion.

What is Kudasai?

When you ask somebody to do something in Japanese, you say TE-form verbs and then KUDASAI (Please, or I would ask you to). For an example, a verb meaning “to eat” is TABEMASU. Its TE-form is TABETE. So, TABETE KUDASAI means “Please eat.”