

Is Plavix oral?

Is Plavix oral?

Take this medication by mouth with or without food as directed by your doctor, usually once daily. Take this medication regularly to get the most benefit from it. To help you remember, take it at the same time each day. The dosage and length of treatment are based on your medical condition and response to treatment.

What is Plavix pills used for?

Clopidogrel is used alone or with aspirin to prevent serious or life-threatening problems with the heart and blood vessels in people who have had a stroke, heart attack, or severe chest pain.

Is Plavix same as aspirin?

Aspirin and Plavix belong to different drug classes. Aspirin is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and Plavix is an antiplatelet agent.

What are the side effects of Plavix 75 mg?

Common side effects of Plavix include:

  • increased bleeding,
  • nosebleeds,
  • headaches,
  • itching, and.
  • bruising.

How do you take Plavix?

The typical dosage of Plavix is one 75-mg tablet taken by mouth once daily. It can be taken with or without food. Your doctor may recommend that you start Plavix therapy by taking a loading dose. With a loading dose, the drug is given to you at a dosage higher than the typical dosage.

Can clopidogrel be crushed and taken orally?

Conclusions: A 300 mg loading dose of crushed clopidogrel administered via NG tube provides faster and greater bioavailability than an equal dose taken orally as whole tablets. The clinical benefits of this strategy need to be investigated.

What are the most common side effects of Plavix?

The more common side effects of Plavix can include:

  • bleeding, such as from: cuts that take longer than usual to stop bleeding. nosebleeds.
  • bruising more often than usual.
  • fever.
  • muscle pain.
  • confusion.
  • skin rash or itching.

Can you substitute aspirin for Plavix?

Aspirin combined with the antiplatelet drug clopidogrel is no better than aspirin alone for stroke prevention in people with a history of lacunar strokes, and the combination carries a greater risk of gastrointestinal bleeding, according to results of a trial funded by the National Institutes of Health.

Can you take Plavix instead of aspirin?

Plavix with aspirin Several studies have shown a benefit to using these drugs together rather than taking either of the drugs alone. Plavix is FDA-approved for use in combination with aspirin to prevent heart attack and stroke in people with acute coronary syndrome (ACS).

What drugs should not be taken with Plavix?

Nov. 17, 2009 – The FDA today warned patients not to combine Plavix with Nexium, Prilosec, and nine other drugs — including Prozac and Tagamet. The drugs may make the anti-clotting drug Plavix dangerously less effective, the FDA says. They block an enzyme in the body that turns the drug into its active form.

Is it better to take Plavix in the morning or at night?

You can take clopidogrel at whatever time of day you find easiest to remember, but take your doses at the same time of day each day. Most people prefer to take it in the morning, as they find this helps them to remember to take it regularly. You can take the tablet either before or after a meal.

What does Plavix do to the body?

Plavix is a prescription drug that prevents platelets from clumping together and forming blood clots. It helps blood flow more easily and reduces the risk of a future stroke or heart attack.

What drugs interact with Plavix?

Plavix may interact with other blood thinners, aspirin, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ). Plavix may also interact with armodafinil, modafinil , fluoxetine , fluvoxamine, gemfibrozil , isoniazid , cancer medications, stomach acid reducers, antifungals, HIV medications, or seizure medications.

Should I discontinue using Plavix?

Usually not, because Plavix increases your risk of bleeding. In fact, your doctor will likely recommend that you stop taking Plavix 5 days before you have certain surgeries.

What are the negative side effects of Plavix?

Common Plavix Side Effects. The most common side effects of Plavix include: Easy bruising. Minor bleeding. Headache. Diarrhea. Dizziness. Nausea or indigestion.