

Is prehnite a natural gemstone?

Is prehnite a natural gemstone?

In April 2000, rare orange prehnite was discovered in the Kalahari Manganese Fields, South Africa. Prehnite is mostly translucent, and rarely transparent….

Color Colorless to gray to yellow, yellow-green or white
Crystal habit Globular, reniform to stalactitic
Twinning Fine lamellar
Cleavage Distinct on [001]

How do you know if prehnite is real?

The luster may range from vitreous to pearly, and often has a look like frosted glass. The gem is very brittle and has an uneven fracture with a hardness of 6-6.5. While prehnite is occasionally transparent, it is typically translucent.

Is prehnite rare or common?

Prehnite is a rare gemstone that forms as a result of hydrothermal action in mafic volcanics and was named after the Dutch Colonel Hendrik Von Prehn who discovered the stone in the 18th century.

Can prehnite get wet?

Can prehnite get wet? The stone will is not harm by water, but you should always be careful with any crystals in raw form because they can be more fragile.

Where does the stone prehnite come from?

Primary deposits of prehnite are sourced from several locations around the world. Some of the most important deposits come from Africa (Namibia, South Africa), Australia (Western Australia, Northern Territory), Canada, China, Germany, Scotland, France and the United States (New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Virginia).

What does real prehnite look like?

Prehnite is typically semi-transparent to translucent with a chemical formula of Ca2Al(AlSi3O10)(OH)2. Its color is usually yellow-green to apple-green. Prehnite is in the orthorhombic crystal class, usually found in radiating botryoidal (grape-like) aggregate forms, and rarely as tabular and pyramidal crystals.

How common is prehnite?

Where can I find prehnite stones?

Prehnite can be found in South Africa, Australia, Canada, Mali, Morocco, Namibia and a variety of small deposits across Europe and the United States. A distinctive pink variety is found among the basalt deposits in the US state of Michigan, on the Keweenaw Peninsula, containing copper and chlorite inclusions.