

Marketing hypnosis has become a powerful weapon

And we are not forced to quack like a duck? Did you know that “Volvo is a car for old men”? This unexpected side of a famous Swedish brand marketers, the company helped open a hypnotist. In conventional focus groups consumers regularly repeated mantra, murdered in their poor heads commercials: “Volvo is safety.” However, it turned out that the “advertising space” that is able to effectively clog the brains of buyers, much worse than penetrate into their subconscious, writes the magazine “a firm Secret”.

Image result for volvo logo

The hypnotic session is total faith in the safety of the Swedish brand of the same participants from the focus group revealed the ugly side of the brand. It turned out that Volvo is associated in them with little bald ddname that comfortable sitting behind the wheel of ugly machines. “Hypnosis has helped us to overcome the clichés,” says the head of the planning Department of the company RSCG Michelle Fanuele.

“Hypnosis has become a “secret weapon” largest transnational corporations”, says Susan Spiegel, the owner of a marketing company Brand Visioning. It organizes sessions of “marketing hypnosis” for ten years.

“But we are not forced to quack like a duck?” – this question often turn to Susan study participants. A negative image of the hypnotic sessions, which developed under the influence of television, the audience is so strong that the first 25 minutes of each session have to devote to the stories about what “real hypnosis”. When the subjects enter into a hypnotic trance, the hypnotist asks each of them about the attitude of the brand. According to Spiegel, hypnosis is effective if consumers do not have strong negative emotions towards the brand, but they are not committed to buying it. Then, in the case involving subliminal “hints”.

In principle, the use of hypnosis by marketers is nothing new. Agency Leo Burnett, not advertising this method uses hypnosis to research the market for 35 years, and American marketing company, Avrett Free Ginsberg is trying, according to its President, Stuart Grau, use it at every opportunity. Despite the doubts of skeptics, adherents of hypnosis are convinced of its efficiency: in an era when all broadcast clichés, the companies do not have many ways to find out what consumers think about them really.