

Neuromarketing will come to the rescue

Neuromarketing will come to the rescue? It is now no surprise that marketers in their activities use a variety of psychological stuff. And as to what they turn into almost medical researchers, applying the latest achievements of science? On one of the new techniques in their practice, what is called neuromarketing, writes BusinessWeek. He foresees brain scans (!) consumers in the process of watching advertisements and consumption of products.

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For the study of brain activity used technique of functional magnetic resonance spectroscopy (fMRI), magnetic encephalography and traditional electric encephalography (EEG). With the help of instruments marketers try to determine which brain areas are activated of the consumer in certain circumstances. Among others, the monitored area that are responsible for attention, concentration, short-term and long-term memory, positive emotions.

In Europe have already started the first company, which focus on neuromarketing and help advertising agencies conduct research on target groups. One of these companies – Neurosense – is based at the University of Oxford.

Neurosense recently contracted to perform a large project for an advertising Agency Viacom Brand Solutions, which serves the interests of the owners of MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon and others. The last project involved scanning the brains of teenagers, viewers of the TV series “South Park”, to determine how they react to different commercials in this popular animated series. It turned out that heaviest brain aktiviziruyutsya during the advertising of alcoholic beverages (e.g., carbonated cocktail with vodka), whereas, say, the social is the red cross the brain of a teenager is almost non-responsive.

The success of the first experiments gave rise to a whole constellation of companies, which focus on neuromarketing. These firms opened across Europe. In addition to the Neurosense is Neuroconsult in Vienna as well as Neuroco in London. Some other firms like Belgian Neuromarketing, Impact of the French Memoires and the London Ph Media, not using brain scans, and instead apply other techniques to study the brain response, for example, special surveys (by the way, in France the law prohibits advertisers to use medical equipment). Neuromarketing among customers there are large corporations like Unilever, Nestle, Procter&Gamble, DaimlerChrysler, l’oreal and Studio 20th Century Fox.

The first experiments have given a number of unexpected results. For example, it was found that the morning is on TV absorbed by the brain of the consumer is much better than in evening primetime, although the cost of the latter several times more.