

Should you put highschool on resume?

Should you put highschool on resume?

If you are a high school student, college student, fresh graduate with no work experience, or if your high school diploma is your highest education, you should definitely add your high school education to your resume. Once you gain any other form of higher education, you should take your high school off your resume.

Should you put your date of birth on your CV?

Your age and other personal factors such as your ethnicity, upbringing and gender are irrelevant. Consequently, you should not write your date of birth or any other irrelevant personal details on your CV.

What do you put at the end of a CV?

Hobbies and interests: If you feel that your CV is lacking, you can boost your document by inserting a hobbies and interests section at the end. This can help to show how well you fit into the company or the industry.

What personal details should be included in resume?

The following details are pieces of personal information which should definitely be included in your CV:Full name.Email address.Phone number.Address (usually, you should include an address in your CV. However, nowadays with freelance jobs and working from home and the use of the internet, it isn’t as necessary)

Do we need to mention personal details in resume?

The employer does not need to know when you wrote your resume; the dates you include regarding past education and employment are the only dates you need to include. Do not include any personal information beyond your address, email, and phone number.

What are three examples of personal information?

Examples of personal information are:a person’s name, address, phone number or email address.a photograph of a person.a video recording of a person, whether CCTV or otherwise, for example, a recording of events in a classroom, at a train station, or at a family barbecue.